176 files
In the Mess of it
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mole doom episode 1: this is a 9 level mapset for doom 1. it replaces episode 1. there isn't really any plot aside from the standard doom plot. it's got 8 maps and one secret level. if you want a plot i'll make one up: you play john ninmole. a scientist at the research center on phobos. you were called in one morning on your goddamn day off. something has gone wrong with the teleporter again and it's your job to fix it. this happened just recently, but when it did the whole other moon disappeared. when you arrived to your station everyone was dead. you quickly grabbed a pistol off a dead security guard and prepared yourself for the most stressful workday of your life. and the worst part is you're not even supposed to be here today!------------------ 3 of these levels have partimes: e1m3: 1:31 e1m5: 3:18 e1m9: 0:27 these par times were set by my friend stoogy. unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to play the rest of the levels before release.126 downloads
No Sleep for the Dead
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This is No Sleep for the Dead, a Doom 1 episode replacement and the spiritual successor to 1997's Dawn of the Dead. This episode features 9 brand new original and consistently themed levels in classic good ol' Doom style. In addition, you receive one bonus level which runs on E2M1.
For completion's sake, I've also included a dehacked patch which only changes the level names. You can apply it manually to your vanilla doom.exe, but most source ports should pick it up automatically because it's embedded into the wad file as well.253 downloads
Wear negative armor!
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To run this, obtain Doom v1.1 and type in command prompt: doom.exe -devparm -file negarmor.wad -wart 1 9
Registered Doom v1.1 was my first game in Doom universe and I have messed a lot with it before I've got my first Internet connection.
This is a demonstration wad, where you could theoretically get negative armor counter. The wad utilizes this engine bug: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Armor_percentage_rollover
The only map in this wad replaces E1M9 slot (this is essential) and contains 1 armor bonus and 2 exit switches: the front one is secret exit switch and the back one is standard exit. Because of Doom secret level handling, every secret exit switch on secret level will reset its state back to beginning. So, theoretically, you could pick up the armor bonus, hit the switch and repeat this until you will have your negative armor! The back switch is made for going back to E1M4 and testing your negative armor.27 downloads
Metal Vault
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You've been sent to investigate and clear a mysterious hellish vault that got raised on Phobos. Your task is to clear the area of demonic resistance and proceed forward to the logical end. Beware that not everything you need will be in plain sight!26 downloads
E1M8 Replacement
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I got bored and made this WAD. It's a replacement for E1M8, as hinted by the title. First foray into vanilla mapping.69 downloads
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You teleport to UAC base on some planet. I took the title from a hentai manga because I couldn't come up with anything.28 downloads
Meep Keep, level one
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It's been almost twenty years since you were | scheduled to beam in at Hell Keep, and it has been | remodelled by adherents to the school of FIREBLUA.29 downloads
Museum I
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Welcome to the first WAD in the museum series. You must search for the exit, while paying particular attention to the exhibits and the guards who are trying to blow your head off. Have a nice day.19 downloads
Nukage base
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Short, action-packed map. Vanilla compatible. Please play with jumping DISABLED. Enjoy!31 downloads
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Episode 2 themed techbase level and 5th of a series of 9 maps, harder than Centrum and level name can mean curse, condemnation or slander. Finding any secrets with the higher tier weapons will greatly help you with the final battle at the end of the map.36 downloads
Needs More Detail II
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A deliberately underdetailed episode 2 replacement with short to medium sized levels.45 downloads
Needs More Detail
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A deliberately underdetailed E1-styled episode made for playing.72 downloads
A New Nightmare
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This wad replaces episode1 of the ultimate doom. And just for it to be clear: These are very oldscoolish wads with decent 1994 detail. They have nothing new in terms of gameplay. And The hole episode ONLY uses 4 monsters ruling out the barons in the last level. If you don't like it, whine about it.54 downloads
Mt Doom Wad
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[BBS file description:] MTDOOM.ZIP 76,251 08-16-94 Mt Doom Wad, Nice Music, Good Layout.34 downloads
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Imagine you come across a mine shaft. A well guarded mine shaft at that. Are you brave enough to venture in? Lots of hidden doors, traps, and teleports.
BIG HINT: You need both keys to get out of this level, and they aren't easy to find!
GOOD LUCK!17 downloads
By Guest
A rather simple level for killing fun. I has some cool up-and-down moving floors.19 downloads
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[BBS file description:] MIKE8.ARJ 17300 07-07-94 DOOM Wad file created using DEU 5.0 & 5.1. Has few enemies or bonus items but could be used as the start of a good deathmatch level Files: 1 Oldest: 5/9/94 Newest: 5/9/9416 downloads
By Guest
This level is rather small, but nevertheless fun. The first room is inspired by Doom II map 01. To get the red key, you must do some running. BTW: I'm not very creative in naming my levels... :-)338 downloads
MUDWADS - The Infiltrator (v. 1.1, v. 1.2, v. 1.3)
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I've tried real hard to create a smooth and interesting environment for the ultimate struggle. Hard but possible to do with a little effort and a BFG!25 downloads
Maxcastl: The Most Massive Wad
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Inspired by NJ_CASTL.WAD, much of the integrity of the original level has been maintained, except that it is HUGE. I opened up many of the void spaces on the map to make passages and secret rooms. ... There are many ways to approach certain areas, and the action inside the castle is very much determined by the way a player behaves while on the outside. Monsters my appear in one area the first time you play and may not show at all in the same area the second or third time through. (see the original for more comments)46 downloads