Text File
Title : Boss1999 - Version 1.0
Filename : BOSS1999.WAD
Author : John W. Patterson
Email Address : jwpttrsn@acpub.duke.edu
Web Site : www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Birdland/5655
Misc. Author Info : Into jazz rock fusion, guitar, and sci-fi.
Description : 2 levels of jumpin'/ teleportin'/ blastin' DooM II action,
with NO new graphics, sound or music. Just more craziness!
* Play Information *
Map Number : 01-02
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : NO
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Music : NO
Dehacked Patch : NO
Demos Replaced : NOPE, Just play the darn thing!
* Files *
BOSS1999.ZIP should include the following files:
BOSS1999.TXT This text file. Basic techno blah-blah
information about the game. A little background info
and other dumpster fodder tidbits like why you
should play this wad and the mindset needed to
appreciate its twistedness.
BOSS1999.WAD The actual two-level game. Run using the command
* Construction *
Base : New levels from "cyber ennui fix"
Editor(s) used : DCK Version 3.62 Level editor
Zennode thingy Node builder
WAD Compiler DoomCAD Wadmerge
Known bugs : None known.
If you find any other bugs, please e-mail me.
This WAD runs under Doom II V1.9 or TNT "EVILUTION"
Time Taken : Enuff to finish -- who knows? -- 2-3 afternoons?
* Demo *
I dunno. Make your own and send 'em to the various downloadable
cyberworlds of DOOM. This is not my area.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Use this as a base for other levels if you like. If you want
to do this, or to use this level in a compilation WAD, or to
convert it for Deathmatch or Co-Op use, please GO FOR IT!!.
You MAY distribute this WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this text file with it and e-mail me if
you care to let me know you're using it. It would just be cool to know
if somebody out there digs this "BOSS1999" wad with all its nasty tricks
and secrets.
* Where to get this WAD *
or one of it's many mirror sites
* Other Info: Story line, (as if you care), and hints. *
Story . . .
"BOSS1999 the wad"
It had been customary in the land of IMM, (It'll Make Money), to overlook the errors of
those involved in leadership. To exist even under lurid abuse of power was better than being cast
into the prison complex known only as THE JUMPZONE.
Unbeknownst to the Wargod monarch, Vihlyom, and the reclusive harlot queen, Moneeka,
-- a rebellion was forming. It was started by a man known by codename, the boss. Not nearly
finished in planning the first stages of revolt, the boss was betrayed. He was given a mock trial
before the ruling priest-class of the Mass Medeeya.
Condemned, the boss, was sent into the certain doom of THE JUMPZONE. Of course, the
event was televised and transmitted to the IMM-Oral office for the pleasure of Vihlyom and
Boss1999.wad is . . .
. . . a many-halled, many-roomed maze of danger and challenge. Survivors are permitted to
leave the maze and re-enter the REAL WORLD. Losers, quitters, and the unskilled have their
psyches forever roam . . . THE JUMPZONE.
This is a two-part WAD with two levels. Level one, the Jumpzone, being a huge affair, is
exhausting. Level two, the Endzone is well . . . you'll find out.
Type, doom2 -file boss1999.wad, enter, and get infected.
Hints, secrets, blurb:
Boss1999.wad is named in honor of my "day job" boss who is one of the most prolific
wad/level creators I know. Here's to you CAP! It is composed of the following levels:
MAP01- Once named "jumpzone.wad" as I was just learnin' the the fun of running, leaping
and shooting like a crazy. Mirror image confusion, "sweet spot" shooting angles, and trip lines all
are resident here. Shotgun ammo is scarce so improvise with other weapons.
MAP02- First monickered as "endzone.wad" in honor of an old tradition
known as THE BLITZ. Remember that switches used at the right time can be very helpful in
eliminating enemies.
Have a nice day.
Suggested background music to play by:
Hit my music review website and get the scoop on truly awesome tunes to DooM yourself
with mind-melting jazz rock fusion, progressive rock, and electronic mayhem!
Frame of mind to play in: "Lose the drugs and alcohol.
Reality is a rush enough!
Sermonette is now over,
P.S.: Lemme know if you enjoyed the ride. Thanx.