Text File
Title : Soliders Domain
Filename : D-1.wad D-2.wad D-3.wad
Author : Kevin Roels
Email Address : JEMS51a (Prodigy)
can be reached thru milcom@netcom.com
Description : This level is designed for
deathmatch. It can be played in single player
mode, but it's a bit easy... the exit might be a
little hard to find though. I have tested this wad
in 1 Player mode, 2 player deathmacth and a
4 man game... although it's average or a little
small... it's really fun with 4 people, teams or not.
Note: This level was made from scratch, It's completly new
and completly my idea... any portion of this wad
indentical or similar to, any othe wad or thing or
persons, is mearly coicidence... and I take no responisbility
for things that happen to you while playing my levels... ie
Loss of family memebers, becuase your locked in your room
playing a buddy, ro loss of walls and items in your room,
when you die... after hidding so good and so long, or accidently
"Fragging" yourself... (I know that really sucks)
Additional Credits to : Raphael Quinet, Brendon J. Wyber and Colin Reed, for
making DEU5* and BSP, Ralph Evans, Dane, and
Ramon "RV" Nieves, all for playing a 4 man game with
me... also, thanks, to RV for the idea of the secret area
tnear the sewer... Great idea... Thanks!
* Play Information *
Level # : Level 1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : yeah, but why kill monsters, kill each other!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes... it's the funnest!!!
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : YES!
New Graphics : YES!... the statbar... thanks to the creator of Treedm1.wad
New Music : No... I tried... if you figure it out, please write to me
Level-specific notes:
Made just for Deathmatch and can be played in single player just for DOOMII!!!
This is your home... guarded by humans and creatures... how have invaded... now
go get rid of them, and secure your DOMAIN from the enemy... and other Friends
* Construction *
Base : All new level...
Build Time : About 8 hours over 4 days
Editor(s) used : DEU2 5.21
Known Bugs : None that I know of, but let me know if you
find any.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, MD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
You can alter this level in any way, as long as you mention my name:
* Where to get this WAD *
Chips + BBs, NOC, and Mike's BBs, and the Score Board... write to me if you don't have the #'s
Email me with your comments about this level. I'd like the here what you
think of my 3rd ever Deathmatch wad... and my 3rd for DOOMII
If you live in the 714 area code... and would like a Deathmatch game
call me at 714-892-5609... thanks!
Thank you for playing Domain...
Hope you enjoy... Kevin Roels... write me with comments