Text File
<! NOTE! This level is designed for BooM, but apparently !>
<! seems to be working with any other source port and even !>
<! with DOOM2.EXE. !>
<! I tested this level with DoomBot v.2.3 and Cajun Bot !>
<! v0.42 and they don't work well. Maybe the future !>
<! will do better job. Basically if the bot is able to !>
<! trigger any kind of linedefs (switch/walkover) and it !>
<! navigates well, it should work fine with this level. !>
Title : Base DM #6
Filename : BASEDM6.WAD
Author : Sir Robin (Jani Saksa)
Email Address : jsaksa79@hotmail.com
Other work from author : Level designer in Ninja DooM
Main guy in KTA and Quake->DooM conversion
5 levels in TeamTNT's Reclamation DM
Misc. Author Info : DooM freak. I like single player mode, but I love
Co-op & Deathmatch!
I have a webpage that I update 1-2 times
in week currenlty at:
Member of TeamTNT, Brotherhood Of Vengeance
& Falling Star Productions.
Description : Medium size base-style deathmatch level.
Fits best for 2-3 players, and supports up
to 8 players.
All skill levels have been included. They
follow TeamTNT's good deathmatch rules (see
Teleports behind the doors take you to plasma
rifle and to BFG. On skill levels 1-2 you however
can only get rocket launcher and Double Barreled
Shotgun from them.
Additional Credits to : Kurt Kesler. I borrowed few graphics from his
WAD (KBoom #9). I also got some inspiration from
his base-style levels to start my own base-style
level pack. Well... Kurt's levels are single
player, and these are deathmatch!
BrV (Brotherhood of Vengeance) for several
citrus: Sky texture
Zokum & UrHash: Textures
Id software for making the best 3d-shooter ever,
and Q2 too.
Everyone in Efnet #doom2 I will kill you for
making my phone bill so damn big!!!
And everyone else that I own thanks.
* Play Information *
Engine : BooM 2.02 or any engine that has 100% BooM support
Map Number : MAP06
Single Player : If you wan't to look around
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Duhh...
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : HELL YES! (8 starts)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Skill 1: No plasma, double ammo
Skill 2: No plasma
Skill 3: All weapons, altdeath mode
Skill 4: All weapons
Skill 5: All weapons, double ammo
New Sounds : Yes (pistol sound)
New Graphics : Yes. From me, Kurt Kesler & BrV
New Music : Yes (from HeXeN)
Demos Replaced : Yes! DEMO1=2 players, skill 3, altdeath
Sir Robin (P200MMX) Jofa (P75)
Frags 10 7
NOTE! To play demo correctly use BooM or PrBooM v. 2.02. Other engines
may not play it right!
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : I have tested this under P75 and it worked
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DETH for the actual editing
ZenNode for node-building
WinTex for graphics and sounds
NWT for few things that were hard or impossible to
do with WinTex
CleanWad for making the WAD smaller
Build time : Didn't count!
Known Bugs : None.
Well, not really a bug, but since 3d-bridges
can cause some troubles in multiplayer game
if two or more player is trying to use them at
the same time and the bridge in this level is
in such a central area it may sometimes cause
falling through bridge and stuff like that...
Source port notes : This level was designed for BooM, and BooM does
not have jumping. If you use a source port that
has a jump feature to play this level, you can
get plasma and BFG without using the teleport.
This is not what I planned, and I suggest turning
the jump feature off on this level, but if you
want to use it, go a head and enjoy it that way :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Copyright (C) Jani Saksa, 1999
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels (if you wan't to use it, ask a permission from me).
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
Or any mirror of ftp.cdrom.com
WWW sites:
There's nothing here to see, stupid...