Text File
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Title : Alternate Shotgun
Filename : DT-SHOT.ZIP
Date Finished : June 1999
Developer : Don Tello
Email Address : gwhittl@ibm.net
Other Releases : dtcog12, qkedeh, dt-magnm, dt-m16
Misc. Developer Info : Leave me alone
Description : Replaces the DooM shotgun with a new one.
Uh... it's black, you hold it off to the side,
you don't lift it over your head to pump it....
Oh, and as an added bonus, you can reload
faster. I mean, you're a Marine for Christ's
sake! You should be able to work the pump like
it's your own cock on prom night...
Additional Credits to : Kenneth Finegan (I got the graphics from his
Duke3d patch 'mobpatch.zip', but I did
modify them)
id Software
* Play Information *
Required Engine : Legacy recommended, any will work. You'll need
a crosshair.
New Graphics : 4 sprites
New Patch : dehacked patch required
Files Included : dt-shot.wad, dt-shot.deh
Use : doom3 -file dt-shot.* (for legacy)
***** -deh dt-shot -file dt-shot (for boom clones)
* Construction *
Base : Kenneth Finegan's Duke3d patch
Build Time : 5 minutes
Editor(s) used : PSP 3.0, Deutex, Dehacked
Known Bugs : Kinda Cartoony looking, but cool NTL. Very Dark.
May Not Run With... : ???
* Copyright \ Permission *
Do it. Use these graphics in your wad. I didn't draw them so I don't give
a fuck. Just be sure to credit the people who deserve it. That would be
Kenneth Finegan, for supplying ME with the graphics, and Don Tello for
supplying YOU with the graphics. Thank You.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites.
* Other Comments *
Look for Kenneth's Duke3d patch in the 3drealms\duke3d\tc\mobpatch
directory of cdrom.com (very cool Indeed)
BTW, you may have noticed that this is one in a series of patches that uses
sprites from Duke3d patches. The reason is that as most people know, drawing
sprites SUCKS. All I'm doing is taking some excellent user art from Duke
Nukem 3d, converting them to DooM's pallette, and offsetting them into wad
format. My intent is simply to make it easier for you, the almighty DooM
player to find some sprites you may want to use in a TC or something.
Don Tello, June 14 1999