Text File
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Title : M-16a1
Filename : DT-M16.ZIP
Date Finished : June 1999
Developer : Don Tello
Email Address : gwhittl@ibm.net
Other Releases : a few (should be clustered around this file)
Misc. Developer Info : go away
Description : Replaces chaingun with ultra cool M-16
assault rifle. Fires a little faster.
Additional Credits to : Bad Karma, and 'The TNT Team' for their
insanely wicked, cum inducing Platoon TC
for Duke Nukem 3d (of which this M-16
Black Shadow Software, makers of 'Twilight Warrior'
for giving me a 'hand'
id Software
* Play Information *
Required Engine : One with a crosshair, but any will do.
New Graphics : 4 sprites
New Sounds : 1 sound
New Patch : Dehacked patch required
Use : 1 wad, 1 deh, do the math.
* Construction *
Base : Bad Karma's awesome M16 sprites from Platoon TC
for Duke3d (I modified them slightly)
Build Time : 2 seconds
Editor(s) used : all of them
Known Bugs : the m-16 icon is pretty crappy, cause I drew'd it.
May Not Run With... : ???
* Copyright \ Permission *
If you plan on using these sprites for something, DO NOT REMOVE BAD KARMA'S
COPYRIGHT SYMBOLS!!!!!! Even though I did modify the original art, he
must have worked real hard getting it to look that good.
The only thing I added was an arm holding the weapon (taken from Twilight
Warrior) and I added some black space to the butt of the weapon, as DooM
wouldn't display it properly otherwise.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites.
* Other Comments *
If you never plan on buying Duke Nukem 3d, I strongly urge you to consider
it, If only to play Platoon TC. Yes, It's THAT GOOD!
If you own a registered copy of Duke3d v1.3d, get Platoon TC and it's many
user add-on levels in the 3drealms\duke3d\tc\platoon directory.
If you haven't played Twilight Warrior yet, I command you to do so as well.
You won't be sorry.
Got to: www.doomworld.com\twilight\main.htm for more info.
Don Tello, June 14 1999