Text File
Date Completed : June 17, 1999
Title : Zort 4
Filename : zort04.wad
Other Works : SP: Eulogy(1-9), Artica(1-4), Dismemberment, Running Scared, Run or Die
and Zort 1-3 of course.
DM: Descent(1-2), 10 maps in SurgeDM(megawad)
Author : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson)
Email Address : cyb@frad.org
Description : Fourth ZDoom map of mine. Damn this one's way different from not just
the previous three but all others I've ever made. It's techno! Why
is it techno? I have no idea, I was i the mood for a techno wad.
Anyway, because of my over-active scripting it's got somewhat of a
storyline. Simply put you're stuck in some sort of underground complex
and you gotta get out. Trouble is the monsters screwed up the main
computer system so you have to turn it back on so it can let you outta
this crazy complex. Yeah the undergound thing sounds like Half-Life,
but I didn't plan it that way. There are a lot of similarities to Half-
Life, also not planned. One thing that is planned is the fact that
you have to turn on two seperate power flows in order to turn on the
computer. Similar to the first time you meet the tenticles in Half-
Life. So anyway, have fun and stuff.
Additional Credits to : id Software for Doom, Raven for Hexen, TeamTNT for Boom,
Randy Heit fot ZDoom, Rick Clark for his great tutorials and
Kniggit for lending his MIDI skills.
* Play Information *
Game : zdoom.exe with doom2.wad
Level # : map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Supported, but untested
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Screw that, not on this map
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Not this time
New Graphics : Also not this time
New Music : Yep, "Devil's Disco" by Kniggit
Demos Replaced : No, cause I suck at Doom...send me some though damnit!
* Construction *
Base : Level and script from scratch
Editor(s) used : WadED, WadAuthor, Warm, NWT
Build time : I lost track, probably like a month.
Known Bugs : A few scripts that move things can be screwed up by you. For
instance, in the big elevator(you'll know what I mean when you see it)
if you hit the switch and then quickly run to the doorframe the elevator
room will get screwed over. It only makes life harder for yourself, so
don't be a dumb ass and so it. I've tried to prevent the player from
getting stuck anywhere after he's activated a script, but some of the
common sense is up to you.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided
that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file)
Where to Get this wad:
FTP: http://members.xoom.com/cybspage