Text File
Title : Improv - Mark making it up as he goes along
Filename : IMPROV.WAD - DOOM 1
Author : Mark Burlison
Email Address : burlym@bigfoot.com
Misc. Author Info : Doom is Funny, Mark & Dave's DeathMatch. All
by me (And a few others)
I also help run World 2 World
Description : Decidedly Single player. Has a very gothic feel to
Additional Credits to : David Thorn for playtesting & the floating pentagram
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1 (Liked the sky texture)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (See I Would Have Liked to, but
(Not tested) Doom Wouldn't Let Me for limitations)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (But not recomended. See
(Not tested) I Would Have Liked to, but Doom
Wouldn't Let Me)
Recomended # of players (deathmatch) : 4 (It's bigish)
Difficulty Settings : Yes (Wimps never win, Hurt Me Plenty
& Ultra Violence)
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : No, maybe if I finish MB_DCT
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : WinDEU 5.2, BSP 1.2x, DSHRINK, DMGRAPH
Known Bugs : See end
Story: There is no plan or story. I just sat down and started making it up as
I went along (OK, so Dave gave me one idea). I did it to prove to Richard that
good levels can be made without planning. Despite that, my first non-planned
level (Frag It Damnit, the ex-secret level from Mark & Dave's DeathMatch) was
a total failure.
* Tips (But not spoilers) *
Wimps never win.
Green faces (Big or small) signify that something will happen to that wall,
ceiling, floor, cold sausage on a stick etc.
Get out the chainsaw before taking the drop down teleport.
The most deadly trap I have made you MUST go into to finish the level. Try
missing it out and you will find you cannot get to that door at the end of the
The second red rock pillar is usefull.
You only HAVE to kill 3 barons.
You do not have to hang around in the swampy bit.
Or the moving cages room.
Only pickup health and ammo if you can use all of it.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels if you can
get rid of those visplane errors (See I Would Have Liked to, but Doom Wouldn't
Let Me) and get round DSHRINK.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this file
intact AND tell me you are doing it. (Unless you're just giving it
out to a few friends).
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: Err
BBS numbers: Hmmm
Other: My Hard Drive
* This File For Other Games *
If you want to update these level so it works with other games (E.G. Doom 2,
Heretic, Duke Nukem etc.) then get in touch and I will help you as much as I
can (Unfortunatly I have no longer got the un-dshrinked level). It is possible
to get round the DShrink but it doesn't half take a long time.
* I Would Have Liked to, but Doom Wouldn't Let Me *
Have the first two rooms linked by a large staircase with no wall above you,
but Doom wouldn't let me. (Visplane over flow)
Have the second room and the third room linked without a wall above you, but
Doom wouldn't let me. (Visplane over flow)
Have more detail on the three pilars in the start room, but Doom wouldn't let
me. (Visplane over flow + it was poridgely slow: It still is jerky from
certain angle on my 16mb 486DX2-66. Sorry 386 owners)
Have an extra imp pillar in the second room, but Doom wouldn't let me.
(Visplane over flow. (When you came down off the lift.) That should explain the
free range Imp. It is also much faster (All for getting rid of 6 linedefs? WOW
thats how close I was to the limit!))
Have a message (Wimps never win) but there was to much going on and you
couldn't hear it. It's there incase somehow you hear it. Pausing will help.