Text File
This patch requires DeHacked v2.0 and works with Doom v1.666. It will also
work with those versions of Doom II that uses the exact same DOOM.EXE
engine as Doom I v1.666. My Doom II is like this and it works fine with
this patch.
Who knows, it might even work with the other variants of the Doom II .EXE
file but I have no way of testing that.
Now, with that out of the way.......
Do you want a weapons patch that makes some of the add-on PWADS survivable?
Would you like a chance to get through those PWADS that throw 2 or 3 Cyber
Demons at a time at you without cheating?
Would you like to be able to make it past some of the large groups of
Barons and etc. that Doom II throws at you.
Do you hate weapon patches that turn the guns into insanely fast weapons
that pretty much destroy the game play balance of Doom or Doom II?
If so you're like me. So I decided to try my hand at making my own
Dehacked super weapons patch. Mainly I wanted more weapon cycle speed
without the insane speed-up of patches like SUPWEP16.DEH or SUPWEP20.DEH.
Basically all of the weapons have been sped up to a degree. The BFG 9000,
Plasmas gun, and Rocket Launcher have been only mildly sped up. Faster
yes. Pseudo machine guns, no. It does help in making encounters with
Cyber Demons or worse more survivable.
The two most dramatic changes are with the Combat Shotgun and the Super
The Super Shotgun, with this patch, is now about as fast as the default
Shotgun and still uses its default graphics. I don't know about you, but I
found that the Super Shotgun in Doom II was so slow as to be almost
useless. This patch makes it useable without totally ruining game play
The Combat Shotgun is much faster. Imagine yourself as Arnold in
Terminator II, with all that strength, pumping that slide action like you
only dreamed about. While it is considerably faster, neither is it so fast
that you might as well call it a machine gun.
I guess the best thing I can say is, try it. I think you'll like it.
Drop me some mail if you like it, or have other comments.
Paul G. Stout
P.S. Can anybody tell me why secret level exits in Doom I PWADS converted
to Doom II map levels no longer work? I've noticed that these exits
just advance you to the next level (MAP 03 to MAP 04 etc.).
The only Doom II capable WAD editors I have are EDMAP and WADED and I
can't seem to find any way of setting up a working exit to a secret
I'm presuming here that MAPS 30, 31, and 32 in Doom II are secret
levels. If I'm wrong in my presumption, or you have any advice for me
on how to get secret exits to work in Doom II, please drop me some