Text File
You _must_ run this wad with a port which removes VPO's and 2s HOM
Ports included are ZDoom, MBF, Boom, Legacy, Dosdoom, SMMU...
Title : SacrificeDM 06 : The Mark Has Been Made
Filename : dmdsac06.zip - dmdsac06.wad, dmdsac06.txt
Date Finished : October 7th, 1999
Author : Derek Mac Donald aka Afterglow
Web Page : http://doomnation.com/afterglow
Email Address : derekmd@frad.org or derekmd@hotmail.com (old addy)
Other Files By Author : - Co-author of The Seventh 07
- SacrificeDM Series
- Jägermörder single player series
- 5 maps in SurgeDM2
- 2 maps in the soon to be released SlaughterDM *
- 4 maps in the upcoming Crucified Dreams *
- 1 map in the in progress Ninja Doom TC *
- Have converted various textures to Doom2
* = still unreleased
Misc. Author Info : 17 year old living in Judique, Nova Scotia, Canada
Description : Sac6 is probably the most detailed in the series
and this time I've gone with the Quake look -
dark brown appearance & moody smoothed lighting all
around. Supports up to 4 players and probably will
play best with 4 altho' it is quite playable with
only 2 players.
Additional Credits to : - Iikka "Fingers" Keränen for his ikblue textures
which I used as a base for the brown textures
(with permission, of course)
- Anthony "Adelusion" Czerwonka for the metal
textures which I used as a base for some 'new'
green(?) metal textures
- Id Software for not making Doom2000 and bringing
lame Quakers into our elite community (flame me
baby) and for the sky which was for some unknown
reason in one of the Quake2 .pak's
- #doomroom for making sure I never do my work
- Last but not least, Martin Friberg and the
great(?) Mattrim Dixon for beta testing... altho'
I never heard back from Martin... you just wanted
the map you bastard! Damn vikings. Much more
appreciated thanks to Matt since he gave me great
_useful_ feedback which my testers never gave me
before. :P
- Rachel Perry!!! (yeah, you know it mewse)
No thanks to : - Ben Morris. Update DCK without limits and for
Windows you whore!
- Sook Yin Lee for taking up Rachel's time. >:|
* Play Information *
Map # : Map01
Single Player : No, but I can reduce you if I want
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No, I can devour
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, best with 4 players - great for 2 also
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented, but I'm hard as...
New Sounds : No, I've got the power
New Music : Yes, Tool - Ænima
New Graphics : Based on Ikblue, a couple of Adel's and Doom's gfx
Demos Replaced : None, but I'd love to see some! (derekmd@frad.org)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Hours? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? I dunno
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.62, Zennode 0.98a, Wintex 4.3
Known Bugs : Possibly one or two misaligned textures because I
got really lazy in the end of making this map. But
you can only see them with ikbeholdl so if you find
any then you are a loser. ;)
May Not Run With... : doom2.exe, damn the vpo, damn the hom
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, etc.) as long as you include this file
intact. If you want to put it on a cd collection contact me first
and I'll probably grant permission... if you sell it... well all
I can say about that is watch your back.
* Where to get this WAD *
"I'm every inch a man, and I'll show you somehow..."