Text File
Title : RoZinga's Nightmare (for DOOM ][ ver. 1.666 )
Filename : Rozing2.WAD (Rozing2.ZIP or RAR or whatever!)
Main Author : Roberto Zingales !
Music Author : Enrico Sapienza !
Beta-testers : Marco Carpinelli (single user),
Roy & Henry in death match & cooperative !
Email Address : Internet: roz@ctonline.it or cyboroz@tiscalinet.it or coolroz@yahoo.com
Main URL : http://rozzo.tripod.com (wad and jpg previews of the wad!)
Misc. Author Info : 3 guys with patience and obsession. Many
testing DAYS in single user play.
And many nights is death match !!!
Yeah, it was *testing* ...
that's what it was!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes !
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes !!!
Difficulty Settings : Yes - every difficulty level is very different
New Sounds : Yes, some Sicilian Slang... !
New Graphics : Oh Yeah !
New Music : Yes man ! From Henry the Sodomizer (Enrico Sapienza)
Demos Replaced : No (perhaps you'll find in the Zip file but not inside the WAD)
* Description *
Map 1 Description : Rozinga's Nightmare !!
This is my "first" wad level,
which is a completely *revamped* level first
released as Rozinga('s Nightmare) for DOOM I.
This level is very complete, sophisticated and
bloody !
It's not a level for beginners !
If you want some peace use -nomonsters !
You can finish it without Cheating !
You'll find lots of monsters,gates,acid baths,
hidden teleporters, and grey-megaspheres,
armours, tons of weapons.
There are FEW traps ( I said few, not NONE!),
while the whole level is CLEAR : you always know
who or what is killing you !
There are millions of death match starts !
You can find the BFG9000 in the last room, so
you'll be able, if you're interested in,
to go back to first room and toast every form
of life 8-) !!!
Additional Credits to : Windeu,RMB.
* Construction *
Base : Originally a new DOOM I level from scratch,
vastly redone and added to with new DOOM II
textures, monsters and features.
If you have got the first version of this wad
my opinion is to overwrite it with this new wad!
This one is another world !
It's bigger, bloodier, faster, heavier and so on !
Known Bugs & Limitations: None that we caused (we hope).
* Philosophy *
Appearance/Design : A lot of effort was put into making things look
good. After your killing spree is over, take the
time to look around. Several levels have some
vantage points with grand vistas (or at least as
grand as the DOOM engine would allow). If you
want to see how fast you can get done, fine. Then
go back with the -nomonsters switch and just look.
Not everything has a purpose. Some things are
just there for artistic or architectural interest.
We think that is one of the things that made the
original DOOM levels so good.
Secret Areas : You should not have to get into all secret areas
to complete a level. Keys or switches to open
main path doors or areas should not be located in
secret areas.
Secret doors are usually (but not always8-)
surrounded by two light sources, and the same is
for teleporters.will not show up on the map.
Sometimes you'll get a computer map, and that will
usually show the areas.
But we'll hide that map in a secret area,
so you'll still have to use the little gray cells.
Monsters : Levels were all built for Ultraviolence (skill 4).
Monsters vary very much depending on skill selection.
But I suggest to start from Too Young To Die (skill 1)
"easier" levels has more health and ammo, and guns
are more and more readily available.
Don't be in hurry, take your time to think and
follow a strategy, let monsters kill each other , and
use all your grey cells !!!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
I don't like too much this, 'cause I think Fantasy is a great thing,
but I do know some of you will cut&paste parts of this wad anyway, so...
remember : I'll steal yours if you'll steal mine...
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact (how about two free copies of the CD's. Huh? Huh?).
Please use the name Rozinga2.* for the archive containing this wad
and it's correlated files !
And now some statistics !
ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Rozingas's Nightmare for Doom ][ 1.666 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»
º Ú Enemies ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Skill Level ¿ Ú Weapons & Ammo ÄÄ Skill Level ¿ º
º ³ 1+2 3 4+5 ³ ³ 1+2 3 4+5 ³ º
º ³ Soldier 140 140 140 ³ ³ Shotgun 9 9 9 ³ º
º ³ Sergeant 27 32 32 ³ ³ DB Shotgun 2 3 4 ³ º
º ³ Imp 21 23 23 ³ ³ Chaingun 2 2 2 ³ º
º ³ Demon 4 4 4 ³ ³ Rocket Launcher 7 7 7 ³ º
º ³ Spectre 12 25 26 ³ ³ Plasma gun 7 8 8 ³ º
º ³ Baron of Hell 71 132 132 ³ ³ BFG-9000 1 1 1 ³ º
º ³ Lost Soul 14 18 18 ³ ³ Chain saw 0 0 0 ³ º
º ³ Cacodemon 15 25 25 ³ ³ Clip 0 0 0 ³ º
º ³ Cyber-demon 4 5 5 ³ ³ Box of Bullets 4 5 5 ³ º
º ³ Spider-demon 2 3 3 ³ ³ Shells 1 1 1 ³ º
º ³ Commando 14 17 17 ³ ³ Box of Shells 4 9 9 ³ º
º ³ Hell Knight 2 8 8 ³ ³ Rocket 4 5 5 ³ º
º ³ Arachnotron 5 8 8 ³ ³ Box of Rockets 73 88 88 ³ º
º ³ Pain Elemental 3 3 4 ³ ³ Cells 31 31 31 ³ º
º ³ Revenant 3 17 18 ³ ³ Cell Pack 79 80 81 ³ º
º ³ Mancubus 9 20 21 ³ ÃÄÄÄ Player Start Positions ÄÄÄÄ´ º
º ³ Arch-Vile 1 4 5 ³ ³ Deathmatch 31 ³ º
º ³ Nazi SS 0 0 0 ³ ³ Cooperative p1 p2 p3 p4 ³ º
I'd like to thank all webmasters that hosted this wad into their ftp sites.
They are too many, so I'm sorry but I'll not list them one by one ( I couldn't remember them all!!). So, guys, thank you for having given a chance to my wad to be played by many people around the world.
I didn't tested this game under Win-Doom or Doom-Gl... I hope those projects will give new life to our beloved videogame ( and of course that my wad will run under those engines!).
I'll try to list here some location where you can find this wad... this is not an extensive either exaustive listing... this file can be reached in many other sites !!!
ftp.cdrom.com /.1/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/rozinga2.zip
-*** Virginia mirrors.aol.com/pub/pc_games/doom/ ***
-*** Pennsylvania ftp.epix.net/pub/idgames/ ***
-*** New York ftp.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/ ***
-*** England sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/idgames/ ***
-*** Netherlands ftp.mirror.nl/pub/mirror/idgames/ ***
-*** Poland ftp.task.gda.pl/pub/games/idgames/ ***
-*** Sweden ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/ ***
-*** Finland ftp.clinet.fi/pub/games/idgames/ ***
-*** Portugal ftp.telepac.pt/pub/idgames/ ***
-*** Greece ftp.ntua.gr/pub/vendors/idgames/ ***
-*** S. Africa ftp.is.co.za/games/id/ ***
-*** Australia ftp.powerup.com.au/pub/idgames/ Brisbane ***
-*** mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/idgames/ Queensland ***
ftp.fu-berlin.de /pc/msdos/games/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/rozinga2.zip
ftp.is.co.za /games/id/levels/doom2/p-r/rozinga2.zip
crydee.sai.msu.ru /pub/.2/rec/games/idgames/doom2/p-r/rozinga2.zip
Remember my web page http://rozzo.tripod.com actually contains many jpgs showing a "trip" inside the wad !