Text File
Filename : hacxport.wad hacxport.jpg hacxport.txt
Author : Sparky of KISS Software
Email Address : kelm@eisa.net.au
Description : Play HacX in high resolution with the
following Source Ports: ZDoom, MBF, SMMU.
(glLegacy, Legacy, Boom and PRboom can be
used but requires a minor modification
- see notes below).
HacX is a Total Conversion for Doom II
created by Banjo Software. Check out the
Shareware Version either at Banjo's Home Page
(http://www.banjosoft.com) or from Walnut
Creek and it's mirrors world-wide:
This wad works with the Shareware version
of HacX but WILL NOT allow you to use the
User Levels created for the Registered
Version (as requested by Banjo Software).
Additional Credits to : id Software, Banjo software,
Randy Heit (ZDoom author)
Lee Killough (MBF author)
Simon Howard 'Fraggle' (SMMU author)
Requires : Doom II, HacX, one of the following
Source Ports: ZDoom, MBF or SMMU.
There Home Pages are at:
HacX http://www.banjosoft.com/
ZDoom http://zdoom.notgod.com/
SMMU http://smmu.frad.org/
You can get all these Source ports at:
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Uses HacX
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Uses HacX
New Sounds : Uses HacX
New Graphics : Uses HacX
New Music : Uses HacX
Demos Replaced : Uses HacX (the demos are disabled in ZDoom,
but work fine with MBF and SMMU).
Installation : Make sure Doom II, HacX and one of the Source
Ports (ZDoom, MBF or SMMU) are all in the
same directory.
To play HacX Shareware in single-player mode
with high resolution graphics, just run the
Port with the following command line:
zdoom -file hacxsw hacxport
mbf -file hacxsw hacxport
smmu -file hacxsw hacxport
Operation with the Registered Version of HacX
should be exactly the same except the HacX
pwad will have a different name (probably
just hacx.wad).
To play a multiplayer cooperative game you
should probably use one of the many Game
Launchers designed to work with the Ports.
Compatability : HACXPORT.WAD tested okay with:
ZDoom v1.18b MBF v2.03 SMMU v3.10
HACXPORT.WAD will work with the following
Source Ports after a minor modification
(see notes below):
Legacy v1.28 glLegacy v1.29b12
Boom v2.02 PRboom v2.02
HACXPORT.WAD will not work with the following
Source Ports:
ZDoomGL v0.1 DoomGL v1.0b glDoom v0.94e
DosDoom v0.653b MidDoom v0.03 PDoom v0.1
Doom4Windows v1.0 DoomATB v1.10 DoomPlus v0.6
IASdoom WDMP v0.9 Win32Doom
WinDoom v0.96a
Notes : I have added replacement menus for Legacy in
the hope that the next version will support
embedded DeHackEd patches.
If you really HAVE to use Legacy, glLegacy,
Boom or PRboom (not recommended) then you
will have to use a utility like NWT, DeuTex
or WinTex to extract the dehacked lump out of
hacxport.wad, rename it hacxport.deh, and run
the game as follows:
legacy -deh hacxport.deh -file hacxsw.wad hacxport.wad
gllegacy -opengl -deh hacxport.deh -file hacxsw.wad hacxport.wad
boom -deh hacxport -file hacxsw hacxport
prboom -deh hacxport -file hacxsw hacxport -width 640 -height 400
* Construction *
Base : HacX exe, HacX alphabet graphics were used to
create the new menu options for the Ports.
Editor(s) used : DeHackEd, Paint Shop Pro, NWT, WinTex
Known Bugs : There may be some 'cause I had to change an
awful lot, but the only one's I've found are
related to the Source Ports such as:
Legacy - some opaque items are transparent
- the Menu Logo is offset
glLegacy - some items shouldn't have
coronas (eg. broken lights) and
others have them in the wrong
place (eg. tall lamps which used
to be shorter lamps).
ZDoom - the demos have been disabled.
See the screen shot HACXPORT.JPG included
with this distribution. It was created with
glLegacy v1.29 beta 12 and shows both Legacy
errors mentioned above.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels
without permission. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file