Text File
Title : SlaughterDM
Filename : sldm.zip - sldm.wad, sldm.txt
Release Date : January 1st, 2000
Authors : The SlaughterDM Team (full credits below)
Email Address : brn@calweb.com (for general comments)
Web Site : http://doomnation.com/afterglow/sldm/
Description : Slaughter DM is 9 levels of DM for
BOOM and compabible source ports.
Additional Credits to : Id Software
The authors of the editors we used
The authors of the source ports that
keep DOOM alive
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II (BOOM compatible source port)
Episode and Level # : MAP01-MAP09
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : various editors
Known Bugs : If you find some, let us know!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use any level as a base to build additional
levels without express permission from all of the level's
authors. Besides, there aren't any free sidedefs you could use,
anyway. :)
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Levels *
Map: 1
Name: Hellfire
Author(s): Nick Baker
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 2
Name: Crystal
Author(s): Kerkko Valila, Derek Mac Donald
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 3
Name: Deathsolvania
Author(s): Jani Saksa
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 4
Name: The Smelter
Author(s): Iikka Keranen, Anthony Czerwonka
Music: Peter Tomaselli
Map: 5
Name: Subconcious Fury
Author(s): Quinshuo Wang
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 6
Name: Dark Estate
Author(s): Derek Mac Donald
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 7
Name: 3xF
Author(s): Jan Van Der Veken, Nick Baker, Derek Mac Donald
Music: Peter Tomaselli
Map: 8
Name: The Catacombs
Author(s): Kerkko Valila
Music: Andrew Wood
Map: 9
Name: Silo
Author(s): Blain Newport, Derek MacDonald
Music: Andrew Wood
* The Slaughter DM Team (in alphabetical order) *
NAME: Nick Baker
PROJECT TASKS: Level & Texture Design
EMAIL: nick@frad.org
HOMEPAGE: http://www.haunt.8m.com/doom
PREVIOUS WORK: Darkening E1, GothicDM2, Twice Risen & Surge 1/2
NAME: Anthony Czerwonka
NICK: Adelusion
PROJECT TASKS: Level & Texture Design
EMAIL: adelusion@aol.com
HOMEPAGE: http://members.aol.com/adelusion/adel.html
PREVIOUS WORK: GothicDM, GothicDM2, Requiem, PerdDM, FetalDM, Dystopia3,
NAME: Mattrim Dixon
NICK: Matt
PROJECT TASKS: Feedback and Tweaking
EMAIL: mattrim.curtis@home.com
PREVIOUS WORK: Amber Extreme GothicDM1&2, Gothic99
NAME: David Gevert
NICK: Dagger
PROJECT TASKS: Project Originator, Texture Design
EMAIL: dagger@quakecity.net
HOMEPAGE: http://dagger.quakecity.net
PREVIOUS WORK: David's Deathmatch, Earthbase3
NAME: Derek Mac Donald
NICK: Afterglow
PROJECT TASKS: Level Design, Arse Kicking
EMAIL: derekmd@frad.org
HOMEPAGE: http://doomnation.com/afterglow
PREVIOUS WORK: SacrificeDM, Jägermörder, Surge 2, Gothic99
NAME: Blain Newport
NICK: None to speak of
EMAIL: brn@calweb.com
HOMEPAGE: http://www.calweb.com/~brn
PREVIOUS WORK: Co-author of Godless DM 1, 2, and 3
NAME: Jani Saksa
NICK: Sir Robin
EMAIL: jsaksa79@hotmail.com
HOMEPAGE: http://doomcastle.tsx.org
PREVIOUS WORK: BaseDM, Doctor's Crypt, XMasDM, Reclamation
NAME: Peter Tomaselli
NICK: Kniggit
EMAIL: kniggit@planetquake.com
HOMEPAGE: http://www.doomworld.com/kniggit
PREVIOUS WORK: Music for Darkening E2, Neo-Doom, Mordeth E2, Paradox
NAME: Kerkko Valila
NICK: Robocat
PROJECT TASKS: Level & Texture Design
EMAIL: kerkko.valila@dlc.fi
HOMEPAGE: http://www.dlc.fi/valike-1/
PREVIOUS WORK: DeathMatch Weapons Set
NAME: Qingshuo Wang
NICK: Pixel Rex
EMAIL: pixelrex@yahoo.com
HOMEPAGE: http://pixelrex.quakecity.net
PREVIOUS WORK: RoDe, Painful Echoes, Jagged Edges, SurgeDM
NAME: Andrew Wood
NICK: Corax
PROJECT TASKS: Music & Graphics Design
EMAIL: corax@barrysworld.co.uk
HOMEPAGE: http://welcome.to/corax
PREVIOUS WORK: Music for Batman TC & BaseDM3
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror-sites
BBS numbers:
I'm afraid I don't know.