Text File
What does "clip this line" mean?
Title : Blood "Enhancements" and New Weapons 1.3 (Not very original) Don't you have anything better to do?
Filename : BLODWEAP.WAD (4th Update!)
: BLODWEAP.TXT (The Memoirs of a Miner)
: BLODWEAP.BAT (Flying Cave Dweller)
Author : Brendan Cunningham Don't tell anyone. This can be
: our little secret, mmmkay?
Email Address : RONELDO@AOL.COM (I hate America OnLine, but it wasn't MY choice!)
Pathetic Web Site That's: www.angelfire.com/wy/roneldo
Not Worth Visiting : It is essential that the "wy/roneldo" letters be
: lowercase, because I have an inferiority complex.
Misc. Author Info : The first Doom related activity that I engaged in after
: my hard drive reformatting in 1998 was a really stupid
: set of files that I called "blodweap" because... uh...
: Alright, it's a stupid name. This is the next version,
: even though there is about a 0.0000000001% chance that
: someone besides the FTP moderator/administrator/whatever
: will ever see it.
Description : A bunch of things that I downloaded from the Doom FTP
: Archives and put together in a WAD file that probably
: violates a few copyrights. Even worse, I had to go
: and "touch up" some of the graphics, so they may or
: may not look "better." At the very least, I can say
: that it looks better than a majority of the "ultra gore"
: and "super weapons" stuff available, even if only
: because some other people have no standards.
*Miscellaneous Information*
You will need MBF for this version.
Even though I don't know how to do any of the "code pointer" modifications,
and this will never be completed until I DO, I thought that I should upload
this anyway, just to get the last version deleted.
To play this, you must first download it. Why did I need to tell you that?!
That should be obvious. I'm surprised at you. After downloading, copy all
files to your Doom2 directory, wherever that is. I don't know if it works
with regular Doom, but it will most likely work with Ultimate Doom, because
they use the same frametable.
Anyway, to PLAY it, use my stupid batch file, named blodweap.bat, because
that's what I called it.
Another way is to type at the DOS prompt (yes, DOS!) something resembling
"mbf -file blodweap.wad -deh blodweap.deh -spam pink.yum" The SPAM part is
I don't know if the next part is accurate anymore. In fact, I don't know if
it EVER was.
Additional Credits to : Chainsaw (?).......................................CHAINSAW
: The Innocent Crew.............................DOUBLE PISTOL
: William Sullivan.....................SHOTGUN SHELL GRAPHICS
: ByteBrothers Software..............................CHAINGUN
: Dave King............................................CANNON
: The Innocent Crew..............................FLAMETHROWER
: Aidan McGinley & Mike Lewis.............HEXEN FIRE GRAPHICS (I used to have HEXEN but I lent the CD to someone and my Hard Drive was erased)
: Sean S. (?)..................................BLOOD GRAPHICS
: Greg and Jeff Lee........................NEW DEATH GRAPHICS
: Chainsaw (?)...........................OTHER DEATH GRAPHICS
: 3D Realms (I think)...............................EXPLOSION
: Greg Grimsby......................................IMP DEATH
: Don Tello...............................GENERAL INSPIRATION
: Lee Killough ....................MARINE'S BEST FRIEND (MFB)
Speaking of MBF, does anyone know how this Killough person extracted those graphics
from the Beta versions of Doom? They're all #*@%^$& compressed!
* Play Information *
Doom Version : I already told you. What part didn't you understand?!
Map Number : I started on a new map, but it's not finished, and
: really serves more to show off than to be played.
: Right, like the Team TNT levels. But without the
: threat of a fate worse than death should the copyright
: be violated. The map is not here, because it has too
: many irrelevant graphics, and isn't complete anyway.
Single Player : What? Is that a question?
Cooperative 2-4 Player : I... I don't know!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Are you insinuating something?!
Difficulty Settings : JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
New Sounds : Here's a funny story. There ARE sounds, but I didn't
upload them, because the apropriate sounds are mixed with a bunch of silly sounds,
and there's replaced music too, making the sound file more than six megabytes,
If anyone wants the sounds, they won't know that they want the sounds, because
no one's going to download this.
New Graphics : No, there must be some mistake. This is a collection
of illegal MP3s and N64 "romz."
New Music : You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
DeHackEd File : Hey! This isn't part of the template!
Demos Replaced : I don't believe in demographics.
* Construction *
Base : Graphics by other people
Editor(s) used : WinTEX 4.3 AND WinTEX 3.4
Known Bugs : The cannon thing still looks like a cannon, and it
shoots cannonballs, but they explode, and it looks stupid. It's loud too.
A bit TOO loud... The "flame thrower" and "mace" things act strangely
because I can't figure out how to use the "codepointer" function that
Boom and MBF supposedly permit.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Copyrights scare me. If anyone wants to sue me, they'll be disappointed
when they realize how little money I have.
Please distribute these files, with this file, with any modif-
-ications. It's FREE! You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, because otherwise people will think I'm an idiot. They'll know that
anyway, but I want them to know that *I* know it too.
* Where to get these files *
You already have it don't you? HA HA HA! That joke NEVER gets old! HA... HA... HA...!
Alright, that was stupid.
I personally use that FTP.SUNET.SE, because I can't "get through" to any of
the closer mirrors. I don't live in Europe.
The last time that I checked, this was in the DeHackEd patches area.
Why? I don't know. Ask the guy who put it there.
BBS numbers: Does that part even matter anymore?
Other: The option that I choose when an online survey asks me about my interests.