Text File
Title : The Revenge of Avind
Filename : avind.wad
Author : Christian N. Hansen aka Dykanden
Email Address : C.N.H.DK@mail.tele.dk
Misc. Author Info : Doom fanatic
Danish redneck
New into level making
Hard Core Sci-Fi enthusiast (Nothing new, though)
I hate Trey on MTV Europe
Hard Core coffee drunkard
I loathe V.I.P. starring Pamela "Hooters" Lee
Sandra Bullock is beautiful
Description : It was all over. You had singlehanded
cleared earth of every scum-blood-dirt
sucking alien bastard ever to hit the
face of the univers. Or so you thought.
As you had probably realised as you were
fighting your way through halls, corri-
dors and entire cities of hell and horror
these alien reptiles had a rather advan-
ced technology. And so years before we
were ever going to invent time travel
they had all ready done it. The few
places you did not strike them they used
their short time in making time travel
experiments. And now they want your head
on a stick for being too damn superior.
Blasting three rockets into the superbrain
almost took your last efforts, but still
you had the strenght to drag yourself to a
teleporter, adjust your wrist communica-
tor to the exact coordinates of the UAC
headquarters, or what was left of it, and
beam home.
Meanwhile those alien arschlocks were con-
ducting experiments with their timemachine
in order to trap you and beam you back in
time to their planet. Right into a play-
field of horror and death and humiliation.
You would never stand a chance and they would
all laugh and spit on you as you would fall
to the ground dead!
But their machine caught it wrong and send you
outside the playfield and into the middle
of their smelly bloodinfested world of hate.
Here is the chance to prevent all the horror.
Kill them now or earth will be for ever doomed.
Blast your way through terror and traps in this
gothic like adventure mixed with hells most
horific creatures, state-of-the-art guns and
not to mention, you! You find no confusing
teleporters and you wont find yourself running
hopeless around for days in a gigantic open
level without any clue of your own identity.
Just find the keys, some switches and then
it is simple: forward.
Date of release : March 1998
Play notes: My very first wad.
Made for DOOM II.
I am building a second one to follow this as
a level 02 which will be called "The blessed Hex".
Additional Credits to : Those twisted minds at ID for Doom and its
many successors such as Doom II, Ultimate etc.
Dan Lauritsen for playtesting.
Matt Tagliaferri for a userfriendly
level editor.
My big broï Nicolai for playtesting.
Thomas B. Rasmussen for playtesting.
Wes Burd for posting my wads
Other wads by me : 1.The Revenge of Avind
2.The Blessed Hex
3.The Unknown Chasm
All above mentioned levels in my series
Doom 3: Ad Infernos (inferno.wad)
0.Fat Mushkins Lavapit (Modified level 01 of DOOM2)
5.Star Trek: Voyager "A time to face your fears"
6.The Aqueous Rise and Fall (Final Doom: Plutonia)
7.UAC Nukage Processing Area (Final Doom: Plutonia)
8.Star Trek: Voyager "Antithesis" (Final Doom: TNT)
9.Fait Accompli (Final Doom: Plutonia)
10. That Urban sence...
11. The Unaided Eye (Final: TNT)
12. Flay the Obscene
13. Flay the Obscene - part two
If nothing else is written, then the levels are made for
Doom 2, however these Doom 2 levels are also playable
with both halfs of Final Doom. However, NOT vice versa!
Where to get this wad : At http://www.angelifire.com/id/doomzone
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Tools(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Taggliaferri
: Nodebuilder 2.0 by Matt Taggliaferri
: BSP Nodebuilder
Build Time : Phew, a lot longer than I expected when I
began making it, but 80 hours would be close.
* Known Bugs *
Lots, but I hope you wont find them.
"You cannot fool these people Christian!"
* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad is the property of Starfreezer Inc. and you are prohibited from
doing anything with it without their express permission. Ok, you can
play it, but thats it! And of course You are allowed to distribute as
You please...however please make sure that this txt file goes along with
it...OK? Thanks!