Text File
Title : That Urban Sence...
Filename : Urban.wad
Author : Christian N. Hansen aka Dykanden
Email Address : C.N.H.DK@mail.tele.dk
Misc. Author Info : Doom fanatic
Danish redneck (yep, I still is)!?
DOOM2 level designer for 1 year
Hard Core Sci-Fi enthusiast (Nothing new, though)
I hate Trey on MTV Europe
Hard Core coffee drunkard
I loathe V.I.P. starring Pamela "Hooters" Lee
Sandra Bullock is beautiful
Description : My first real DM level! I do not know
whether or not it will fulfil DM demands
and rules in design and gameplay.
I just felt that I needed to build a DM
level...and I did.
The level contains what I would classify as
basic and "useful" elements in a DM level.
There are not any switches, keys or traps.
But, all the guns plenty of ammo.
Some places are good for hiding, some better
for sniping and some made for the Rambo type,
if ya know what I mean.
But, but, but....do not fall into despair my
singleplayer friends. I HAVE placed monsters
in the level...though without skill levels.
I really hate to see an excellent, in every
way, DM level, only to find out that you
cannot play it with monsters! There must be
something for everybody to enjoy in a level!
Play notes: My tenth wad.
Made for good ol´ Doom2 ver 1.9
P.S. The level is best played in 640x480 from
the DOOM95 launcher or Zdoom. The shading
looks best in this mode.
Aaaannnd......You really must try playing Zdoom
or GlDoom! YOU SIMPLY MUST! That s... really
gives the game a kick in the a..! Pheeew!
The screenshot(-s) for this level are taken in
Date of release : July 1999
Other wads by me : 1.The Revenge of Avind
2.The Blessed Hex
3.The Unknown Chasm
All above mentioned levels in my series
Doom 3: Ad Infernos (inferno.wad)
0.Fat Mushkins Lavapit (Modified level 01 of DOOM2)
5.Star Trek: Voyager "A time to face your fears"
6.The Aqueous Rise and Fall (Final Doom: Plutonia)
7.UAC Nukage Processing Area (Final Doom: Plutonia)
8.Star Trek: Voyager "Antithesis" (Final Doom: TNT)
9.Fait Accompli (Final Doom: Plutonia)
10. That Urban sence...
11. The Unaided Eye (Final: TNT)
12. Flay the Obscene
13. Flay the Obscene - part two
If nothing else is written, then the levels are made for
Doom 2, however these Doom 2 levels are also playable
with both halfs of Final Doom. However, NOT vice versa!
Where to get this wad : At http://www.angelfire.com/id/doomzone
Additional Credits to : Those weird brains at ID for Doom and its
many successors.
Matt Tagliaferri for a userfriendly
yet strange level editor.
The fantastic creators of Zdoom and GlDoom!
Kasper Tidemann, Denmark
Wes Burd for posting my levels
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP15
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : ?? (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : ?? (untested) Ha, ha, ha......whoops!
Difficulty Settings : NO! HA, HA, HA, HA!!!
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Sky texture
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None.
* Construction *
Base : New level from "scratch"
Tools(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Taggliaferri
Nodebuilder 2.0 by Matt Taggliaferri
NWT (greeeaat)
Build Time : Ahh,.....25 hours.
* Known Bugs *
"Hmmmmm. I suppose only one actually."
" Aye laddy, and a wee one it is, har har harrrrr"
* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad is the property of Starfreezer Inc. and you are prohibited from
doing anything with it without their express permission. Ok, you can
play it, but thats it! And of course distribute it around the globe as
long as you put this txt file along with it without modifications. And
that apply to ALL of my wads/levels! Distribute them like madmen!
Jesus Christ......I have really outdone myself in madness this time..huhh?
Sorry gotta go.....I am being chased by a some crazy dworfs with toothpaste
in their hair, singing; "Life ain´t a dance on sticky pineapples"