Text File
Mountain Deathmatch 3 by ViolentEd
Play information:
Single Player: no
Coop: no
Deathmatch: Yes
Map: map01
gfx: Yes, new textures by me. Slime fall texture by the Gothic Team
sounds: new music by Teque (see tis.txt)
port: Zdoom and Zdoom ONLY!
homepage: http://www.geocities.com/lucifershammer_2000
Email: violented44@hotmail.com
Well, I had some free time after work and decided to break out Wadauthor.
Its basically a castle built into a mountain side. Large hunting level.
A few effects thrown in there for kicks. No heavy scripting. Took me about
3 weeks to finish, off and on.
I made those textures besides the Sfall* lumps. Those I got from the gothic
texture wad. The ones I made, were made with Adobie Photoshop, Paint Shop
Pro, and MSPaint for cropping and such. The music I got from http://www.traxinspace.com.
Its by Teque, and it kicks hella ass. I used Waded 1.83b, Wadauthor and Wintex for
wad editing. Thats it I guess, later. -=Ed