Text File
BOOM-TC2 - BOOM: Shadow of The Zedix (version 2)
A Total Conversion for Ultimate Doom v1.9
featuring a complete episode (9 maps), new sounds and graphics,
new monsters and new weapons.
This is a 'legalized' version of BOOM-TC.ZIP.
The original version contained an illegal hacked doom.exe;
this version has an equivalent DeHackEd patch, so you can either
patch your own legal copy of doom.exe, or just run it directly
with an appropriate Source Port.
Original author: Lari Muuriaisniemi (L.mR-SOFTWARE)
Version 2 Update: Sparky of KISS Software kelm@eisa.net.au
Mods made by Sparky of KISS Software:
- converted the illegally supplied doom.exe into an equivalent DeHackEd
patch (boom-tc2.deh) using DeHackEd v3.1. The author had hidden the
exe (boom.exe) inside a .lzh archive within the .zip archive. The
version 1.3 update (11boom13.zip) also contained an illegal doom.exe,
simply renamed to boom.dat and packed in boomupd.zip - a zip within
a zip. No wonder the Archive Maintainer at the Official Doom Archive
Web Site didn't notice this illegal upload !!!
- removed the modified cheat codes from the new DeHackEd patch.
- deleted the modified episode 2 level names from the DeHackEd patch.
- deleted the duplicate copies of the sounds dswpnup, dsdmpain, dspopain
and dsmetal.
- fixed 9 of the sounds which had higher and lower sample rates than
Doom's standard 11,025 samples/sec.
- combined the three wad files (boom.wad sounds.wad boomupd.wad) into
a single wad boom-tc2.wad
- deleted the unused, faulty texture BADWAY.
- deleted the unchanged doom sprites for the computer area map (PMAP).
- adjusted the offset for the "HELP" menu graphic (M_RDTHIS).
- added the missing sprite for the Cyberdemon replacement (CYBRE3).
- the original 3 wad files totalled 6.4MB, the fixes mentioned above
has decreased the size of boom-tc2.wad to less than 4MB.
- the original distribution contained a whopping 18 files and this
version has only 4:
boom-tc2.deh a patch for Ultimate Doom v1.9 and DeHackEd v3.1
(replaces the illegal doom.exe originally supplied).
boom-tc2.wad the resources - maps, sounds, graphics, sprites, etc.
boom-tc2.txt you're reading it now.
boom-tc2.hlp a Windows help file containing the story,
screen shots, etc.
'Plain Vanilla' Ultimate Doom:
Note: BOOM-TC2 will NOT work with regular Doom I. You'll need to
upgrade to Ultimate Doom v1.9 if you haven't already. A free
upgrade patch can be obtained from id Software's web page at
To play this with 'Plain Vanilla' Ultimate Doom you'll first need to
create a replacement doom.exe using DeHackEd v3.1 and boom-tc2.deh.
For example: dehacked -reload -load boom-tc2.deh
Secondly, you will also need to add the extra Doom sprites into
boom-tc2.wad using a wad editor like DeuSF, DeuTex, WinTex or NWT.
For example, deusf -as boom-tc2.wad
In summary:
a) copy the utilities DeHackEd and DeuSF to your Doom directory
(you can get them from ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/)
b) copy boom-tc2.deh and boom-tc2.wad to your Doom directory
c) create a replacement doom.exe (doomhack.exe):
dehacked -reload -load boom-tc2.deh
d) add the extra sprite graphics to boom-tc2.wad:
deusf -as boom-tc2.wad
e) to play the game, just run:
doomhack -file boom-tc2.wad
DO NOT DISTRIBUTE doomhack.exe or the patched boom-tc2.wad because
they contain data which is copyrighted by id Software.
Doom Source Ports:
A better way is to use a Doom Source Port which can import DeHackEd
patches and pwads containing sprite data - such as: Boom, PRboom,
MBF, SMMU, ZDoom, Legacy, PrjDoom, etc. Patching is not required and
the BOOM-TC2 files can be used as-is. For example:
Boom/MBF/SMMU/ZDoom/PrjDoom: -deh boom-tc2 -file boom-tc2
PRboom: -width 640 -height 400 -deh boom-tc2 -file boom-tc2
Legacy: -deh boom-tc2.deh -file boom-tc2.wad
The original text file follows:
DOOM Total Conversion:
±°°°° °°° °°° °° °° ±°° °°°
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³ "Shadow of The Zedix" v1.0
For DOOM v1.9
Created By: L.mR-SOFTWARE (c) 1995-1996
Replaces DOOM Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the Dead
* BOOM is only for Ultimate DOOM v1.9 (or maybe normal version v1.9 too) *
Update patch comes with this package. Update BOOM-TC before you start playing.
If you haven't version 1.9 of DOOM already, get the update patch.
Try this internet FTP-site:
* Story? *
See the BOOM.HLP if you want to see story. It comes with update patch
* Who are created BOOM-TC? *
Many stuff of BOOM-TC was created by Lari Muuriaisniemi from L.mR-SOFTWARE
(My e-mail address is: lari.muuriaisniemi@mbnet.fi)
Secret level (IDMAP01!.WAD) was created by: id SOFTWARE (I think).
* Play Information and used editors, ect. *
Game : DOOM v1.9
Level(s) : E1M1-E1M9
New sounds : Yes
New musics : No
New Graphics : Yes, most of graphics are new!
Demos Replaced : No
Editors used : DMGRAPH
NeoPaint v3.2
Paint Shop Pro (version 3)
DCK 3.61
Waded 1.83
DEU 5.1
NewWadTool v1.3 (That was very important tool)
Build time : hmmm.. 1-2 years, I think..
Known bugs : Yes, some little bugs, but I fix them in next version of
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute BOOM-TC, provided you include all files from !BOOM-TC.ZIP,
with no modifications. You may distribute BOOM-TC in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include BOOM-TC
You MAY not distribute BOOM-TC in any format.
* L.mR-SOFT *