Text File
Doom Detect Ver 1.25 - Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Audleman
Version 1.25 Features:
ù It Now detects matching .TXT .LMP and .BAT files and moves them
along with the WAD to the same directory. Added /NT option to
overide this new feature.
ù Doom Detect will scan any number of files in a directory and identify
them as either DOOM I or DOOM II types.
ù Displays the number of map levels contained in any wad.
ù Displays what levels the maps replace.
ù Full listing of each level in every file or simple single line info
ù The latest version includes a MOVE option with full reporting.
Included with this version is SEPERATE.BAT. This batch file
seperates all Doom! files into your C:\DOOM\WADS and moves
DoomII wads into C:\DOOM2\WADS. If these are not your doom
directores, please edit the batch file. The batch can be run
with no parameters and it will scan files in the current
directory. If you specify a directory on the command line it
will scan that dir instead...
Note that the last "\" is needed.
Running the program yourself:
The program accepts the following parameters:
[d:][\path\]Filename.ext [/I] [/II] [/?] [/M:] [/F] [/NT]
d:\path\ specify a drive and path if other than the current
Filename.ext specifies a file or files using wildcards. For
example: *.wad, *.* Raven*.wad, etc
/I forces DMDETECT to search for DOOM! wads ONLY.
/II forces DMDETECT to search for DOOM II wads ONLY.
If BOTH /I and /II are specified OR neither is specified,
DMDETECT will look for EITHER type of wad.
/? displays the help screen
/M: Tells DMDETECT to move any files it finds that match the
type and wildcards to the specified directory. For example, to
move all .WAD files in the current directory to E:\ZDIR that are
for DOOM II and produce a short list:
/F Display all levels replaced (Full Listing)
/NT (No TXT) Prevents move of matching .TXT files
Other than the /? option, any or all the above options can be
used in any combination. None of them are case sensitive so /i
and /I are the same.
You can use DOS' redirections (>,>>) to produce a file or
printout on your printer. For example, to display all maps in
all valid wad files in E:\ZDIR and make a WADS.TXT file in the
current directory of the listing:
The Author:
I can be contacted on internet at wolfie@execpc.com, on FIDO to
Mike Audleman at 1:154/280 (Exec-PC). I also regularly read the
QUICK_BASIC and VISUAL_BASIC FIDO echos. If you have any
suggestions for improvements or modifications, or heaven forbid
you should find a bug, please feel free to contact me.
Revision History:
1.25 - Added TXT LMP & BAT file move with WAD, /NT to overide
1.24 - Added /M move command and SEPERATE.BAT file.
1.23 - Corrected bug if no files in the directory
1.22 - Added Help Screen (No public release)
1.21 - Minor display enhancement (No Public release)
1.20 - Added DOOM II detection
1.12 - Added full listing of maps.
1.11 - Added Wildcards to filename
1.10 - First public release
\ | /
Later ... Mike Audleman |\| |/|
INTERNET: wolfie@execpc.com / \
FIDO: Mike Audleman @ 1:154/280 /\/\/\/\/\\
/ /\ \
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