Text File
REJECT.EXE version 1.1.0
Copyright (C) 1994 L.M.Witek
1.0 Introduction
REJECT.EXE is a command line based utility used for building the
REJECT resource in a DOOM or DOOM 2 PWAD file. It post-processes a
PWAD which has been created using a level editor such as DEU. Its main
purpose is to speed up slow PWAD files by reducing the number of
line-of-sight calculations performed by the DOOM engine.
REJECT.EXE is freeware.
2.0 Legal bit
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
3.0 Support
I can be contacted by email at the above address. All the information
required to run and operate REJECT should be provided in this document.
Before using REJECT:
My spare time is limited so I will not respond to any queries if
the answer is to be found in this document. However I would be glad
to here from anyone who thinks they have found a bug in REJECT or
has any ideas on how to improve REJECT.
The source to REJECT is provided in the file SOURCE.ZIP you are free
to use all or part of the source in your own programs, however if you
do I would be grateful if you would credit me in some way.
If you create a enhanced version of REJECT from the source provided
I would be grateful if you would send the modified source to me so
I can put the enhancements into the 'official' version.
I will not support any versions of REJECT other than those built by
Please _DO_NOT_ send me any large binary files (such as your latest
PWAD) as email without my prior consent. My time on the net is limited
as I have to call long distance to my Internet Access provider and my
phone bill is large enough already.
4.0 Requirements
REJECT is a 32 bit DOS extended program built with SYMANTEC C++ v6.11.
Any machine which is capable of running DOOM will (should :->) be capable
of running REJECT.
5.0 Usage
REJECT is run from the DOS command line. The syntax is:
<WADNAME> = Name of the WAD file to process. Don't add .WAD onto
the end of the name.
<MAPNAME> = The map name to modify. REJECT will only process one
map at a time so if you have more than one map in your
WAD then you need to REJECT multiple times.
DOOM 1 & DOOM 2 use different naming conventions for
map names. If you are using a DOOM1 wad file use the
format ExMy where x and y are the Episode number and
Map number respectively. DOOM2 map names are constructed
thus: MAPxx where xx is the map number from 01 to 32.
<THRESHOLD> = The distance at which sectors are rejected. See next
section for explanation of this parameter.
eg: reject mywad1 e1m1 600
reject mywad2 map01 600
NOTE: REJECT writes back to the original wad so make a backup
before using. Having said that it hasn't corrupted any of the wads
I've tried it on.
Both DEU and BSP will overwrite the reject table in a wad file so run
REJECT *AFTER* you run either of these utilities. I use a simple batch
file to control the edit/run cycle:
bsp mywad.wad
reject tmp e1m1 600
doom -file tmp.wad
If you want it to dump a load of debug info use the DOS command
will dump into the file REJECT.LOG which you may (or may not)
find interesting. :->
6.0 Operation
REJECT works by reading the map specified and creating a list of all
the sectors which exist in the map. It then takes each sector in turn
and compares the distance of all the other sectors. If this distance
is less the THRESHOLD parameter the the sector is 'ACCEPTED' in the
reject table. If the distance is greater than the THRESHOLD parameter
then the sector is 'REJECTED' and DOOM will not perform line of sight
calculations for that sector thereby speeding up the operation of DOOM.
The exact value of the THRESHOLD varies greatly from WAD to WAD but
start by using 600 and see if the game play is acceptable.