Text File
Title : City of DooM (Part I) BETA 1-11
Filename : COD1-11.wad
Author : Paul Maurone (a.k.a. `Nowotny'; & back in DWANGO days: `Hustler')
Email Address : pmaurone@snip.net
Misc. Author Info : Mechanic (Automotive, Plumbing, HVAC & Electrical)
If it's mechanical - I'll figure it out! :-)
Description : This is a "plain vanilla DooM ][" PWAD of maps 1-11.
I tried to put the player in the city as best
as posible. E-mail about your opinions.
All info will be welcome!
I'm currently working on converting and expanding these
maps & making new ones for ZDoom. (All 32 maps)
Additional Credits : id Software (naturally!); Raven Software for some of the
Heretic & HeXeN textures; 3dRealms for some the Duke3d
Also to all of you fellow PWADers out there. You guys
inspired me during this project.
Musicians/Bands: Pink Floyd; Led Zeppilin; Yes; Rush;
Emerson, Lake & Palmer; Chick Corea; Genesis and anyone
else I may have forgotten.
Ah yes, mustn't forget the creators of the editor
utilities (mentioned below) without whom this PWAD would
have been imposible! I hope I got everybody. :-)
Game : DooM ][ (ZDoom version is under construction as
you read this!) Also if you're using this with a port
that alows jumping...turn it off or refrain from jumping.
It's not made for it.
Episode and Level # : MAP01 thru MAP11
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but not play tested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Players : Yes, Maps 1, 2, 7, 10 & 11 should be fun!
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Dehacked patches : No, but I may do one if you guys bug me enough.
New Sounds : No (But the ZDoom version will have gallons of sfx.) 8-)
Graphics : Yes (Textures, Flats, Level names & Titlepic) see below
Music : Yes (See below)
Demos Replaced : No. Maybe next time.
Base : COMPLETELY new levels from scratch, except 8 (see map credit below)
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2 & 3.62; Wintex 3.4 & 4.3; BSP 2.3
Adobe Photoshop LE; Paint Shop Pro 3.0; Windows
Paint utility; Midi2Mus (Curse Ben Morris for giving
DCK a texture limit of 768 -Not nearly enough.)
Build Time : Forever & a day! Been in construction since fall 1994.
Known Bugs : None that I'm aware of. That's why it's a BETA. :-)
I worked very hard making sure things work right and
no Visplane overflows happen. [Won't have to worry
about VPO's with ZDoom! 8-)]
This level was designed for DooM2. It's best played
with WinDooM2. (Music & display is much better!)
These levels have been tested (so far) on a PII/300
w/64MB RAM and 486 dx4/100 w/16MB RAM
Let me know if you guys find any problems.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels.
If you want to use the resources, e-mail me first. For the most part, I don't
mind the use of the textures & flats, but crediting me would be nice.
I sure hope I can inspire your creativity with these!! :-)
* Notes *
Music in the PWAD is as follows:
Map01: "From the Begining" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer.
Map02: "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" by Led Zeppilin
Map03: "Crystal Silence" by Chick Corea
Map04: "The Trees" by Rush
Map05: "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" by Pink Floyd
Map06: "Return of the Giant Hogweed" by Genesis
Map07: "Erruption...from Tarkus" by Emerson Lake & Palmer
Map08: "The Musical Box" by Genesis
Map09: "No Quarter" by Led Zeppilin
Map10: "Machine Messiah" by Yes
Map11: "The Weapon (part II of Fear)" by Rush
Map12: "Karn Evil 9, 2nd & 3rd impressions" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Map13: "Kashmir" by Led Zeppilin
Map14: "D_Romero" original DooM2 music for maps 18 & 27
Map15: "A Test for Echo" by Rush
Map16: "Never2" by an unkown artist. (A midi file I d-loaded from C-serve)
Map17: "The Knife" by Genesis
Map18: "Welcome to the Machine" by Pink Floyd
Map19: "Excerps from The 6 Wives of Henry VIII" by Rick Wakeman (&Yes)
Map21: "Dance of Mars" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Map22: "D_E1M7" original music from DooM E1M7
Map31: "And You & I" By Yes
Map32: "D_E2M4" original music from DooM E2M4
Title Music: Theme from Star Trek DS9
Intermission music: "RAWK" another unknown artist.
Read me music: Theme from "Exidous"
Map credits:
Map 8 wasn't my work. It was an old Doom PWAD called FC2.wad. It came with no
.txt file so I don't know who the author was. If you recognize it for your own,
THIS is the credit I give to you for it. I liked it so much at the time I modified
it, and included it in this set.
Textures Notes:
Most of the new textures & flats are not my own work. (I did some of them though)
Some people gave me permission or said in the .txt file it was ok to use them.
I'm not trying to take credit for texture I didn't make. The list of credits
would be huge, & I don't remember all the WADs I used resources from.
I'll try to list all that I know of here:
The inocent Crew (TiC) Obtic
Momento Mori 1 & 2
Gothic DM (I think used some flats from this one)
A1 Stud Muffin for letting me use the resources from A1-Space.wad.
Some textures from Quake 1
Some from Duke Nukem 3d. (I did these the hard way - Screen shot & modify it to work in DooM)
Chex TC
I know there's more...
That's all I can think of right now. If you see your work here but not your
name, it's not that I don't want to credit you, it's just that I forget all
the resources I used. E-mail me if you want to receive credit. I will give
all the credits due with the final release. (But I need to know who you are,
so speak up & let me know who you are.)
Although the maps for a lot of the levels aren't built yet at least I have
the musical theme for them. :-) (You can also see the names of the levels,
they're in there thru map 22 -including 31 & 32.)
Story line:
Uhhh..... It's 25 years since the UAC gating experiment disaster. UAC thinks since
so much time has past & that since we survived the last bout with hellspawn,
it's now "safe" to start experimenting again with these interdementional gates.
A few yeaers pass by without incident, now people are actually traversing the
gates safely. All is well until one day the Martian Colony suddenly went silent!
Soon the Phobos & Diemos Bases go silent, then the bases on Titan, Europa, IO
and Ganymede also go ominously silent.
Two days later an alarming distress call from the Lunar base reporting `things'
teleporting in through the gate network. "...Need imediate help!... Ahhhhh..."
An hour later earth itself is under heavy assault. Most miltary units are destroyed
before they could even mobilize to meet the evil invaders.
You are out at sea on military exercizes when the attack on Earth began.
Based on the last "DooM War" tactics, the demons fight well against an organized
enemy but fair very poorly against commando attacks. So that strategy is being
implemented now. You're going to be put ashore at a city with access to our orbiting
star port. From there you will send info back to Earth so the military can
organize a counter attack and retake the planet and later the rest of the
solar system.
Good luck soldier!