Text File
Title : Alxdeth IV : Death? Hah!
Filename : alxdeth4.wad
Author : Alex Nichols
Email Address : snichols@southwind.com
Misc. Author Info : As soccer season starts up, more and
more of my WAD-making time dissap-
Description : Designed as a single player level,
but also made for deathmatch and
cooperative, this level presents a
fairly good challenge.
Additional Credits to : Danny Boykin, id Software, and
Steven Denton for his "Free Burritos
at Lowes story.
*Play Information*
Level Number : Map 01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Title pic)
New Music : Yes (Smells like Teen Spirit)
Demos Replaced : All
Base : New level from scratch.
Editors Used : Waded and Wintex
Known Bugs : A minor problem if you're careful.
When you first play the level, the
area glowing around the red key card
is a little troublesome. If you
press on the back of where the
switch was after you lower the
floor, the game will start doing
strange things. So just avoid doing
that. Otherwise, just a few mis-
aligned textures.
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. (Aren't I
You may do whatever you want with this file. (Who's gonna stop ya?)
*Where to get this WAD*
FTP sites : ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers : None (yet...)
Other : None
WARNING : Some of the sounds replaced contain the word "fuck" in them. Don't
come crying to me if your mom and dad hear the sounds and send you to your
room. You have been warned.
NOTE : See demo 3 for visual display of bug.
NOTE : Demos are Doom II version 1.9
For those of you who were smart enought to check the whole txt file and read
down this far I have put in tips for playing this wad.
*Backtrack to find secrets.
*The Chainsaw is in a secret room where the outer wall has bullet holes.
*Against the Pain Elementals in higher skill levels, it sometimes pays to use
the double barrel instead of the rocket launcher.
*Don't jump where the cyberdemon is.
*Listen to Nirvana to make your life better.
*Stop reading this and go play.