Text File
BDSDOOM2.WAD - 5 single-player levels for Doom II v1.9
BDSDOOM2.ZIP is a slightly updated version of:
New for version 2:
- changed the archive to a .zip file instead of a self-extracting
.exe file (who's afraid of the big, bad virus?).
- deleted the 1001 batch files and zipped up the 5 lmp demos,
so there's only 4 files now instead of 25
(bdsdoom2.bat bdsdoom2.wad bdsdoom2.txt and bdsdemos.zip).
To play:
run bdsdoom2.bat, or from the command line enter:
doom2 -file bdsdoom2.wad -skill 3 -warp 03
To view a demo:
doom2 -file bdsdoom2.wad -playdemo demolevX
(where X=1 map03, X=2 map04, X=3 map05, etc.)
The demos are quite long (totalling over 1 hour), and notice how much
smaller they are zipped?
Filename Map Skill Time Size
-------- --- ----- ---- ----
demolev1.lmp map03 HMP 3:45 31 KB
demolev2.lmp map04 HMP 20:13 165 KB
demolev3.lmp map05 HMP 15:35 127 KB
demolev4.lmp map06 HMP 12:46 104 KB
demolev5.lmp map07 HMP 14:29 118 KB
----- ------
1:06:48 545 KB (117 KB zipped)
The original text file follows:
So you've had a bad day, eh? Nothing's going your way, and everybody's "in
your face" about stupid stuff. Had enough? Feel like kicking some butt?
It's time for:
|====\ |=== \ /====\ |=== \ / === \ / === \ | \ / |
| | | | | | | | | | | | \ \// |
|=== / | | \====\ | | | | | | | \/ |
| \ | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
|======| |=== / \====/ |=== / \ === / \ === / | |
Filename : BDSDOOM.EXE
Author : Barry D. Sebastian
Email Address : Ballistiks@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : Have played lots of DOOM and DOOM2, and tried many
add-on levels. Lately, I've spent most of my free
time designing THESE levels... I still think this
is one of the best games going!!!
BDSDOOM.exe should contain: BDSDOOM.wad
(25 files) bdsdoom.txt (this file)
demolev1.lmp (1st level demo)
demolev2.lmp (2nd level demo)
demolev3.lmp (3rd level demo)
demolev4.lmp (4th level demo)
demolev5.lmp (5th level demo)
d2.bat |
d3.bat |-----Batch Files To Run Demos
d4.bat |
p2.bat |
p3.bat |-----Batch Files To Play BDSDOOM
p4.bat |
6.bat (uninstalls ALL BDSDOOM files - listed
here, except BDSDOOM.EXE)
7.bat (uninstalls ALL BDSDOOM files except
/------------ bds.bat (Main menu for playing & running demos)
| p.bat (menu for playing - contains difficulty
| settings, and uninstalling BDSDOOM...)
| d.bat (menu for playing demos of each level,
| and uninstalling BDSDOOM)
| BDSMAIN - Initial menu text
| PLAYMENU - Difficulty settings text
| DEMOMENU - Demo menu text
First Thing ----> When All Files Have Decompressed, type BDS and hit enter
Description: I wanted to provide several hours of GOOD level
design for total immersion - and have it fit on one
diskette. BDSDOOM is the result...
As usual in the BDS*.* levels, I've tried to give
a lot of attention to detail in BDSDOOM. BDSDOOM is
actually a five level game that replaces levels 3
through 7 of ID's DOOM2. The fact that you have
downloaded these files shows that you (like myself)
are ate up with this stuff, and I hope you enjoy
playing them!!
I'll briefly describe each level, and tell you how
to play them as a game, or individually. I've also
included a demo of each of the 5 levels in case you
want to check one out (recorded on medium
Some general advice:
- These levels are for intermediate to
advanced players - you need to have guts,
and be able to think logically (and being
able to jump well helps too!).
- Save your game often, especially before
going into a new area (even if it looks
- Some doors can only be opened by pistol,
chaingun or shotgun fire...(and sometimes
this affects remote doors...).
- If you're playing deathmatch, try it with
the "nomonsters" parameter (it makes things
less "cluttered"). There are helpful items
available in deathmatch that aren't available
in single player mode.
- USE YOUR MAP !! There are some helpful
hints that can be had by looking at, and
thinking about the map!
- Don't Cheat !! Really - It's More Fun...
CRAZY8: When you begin BDSDOOM, you'll start out in the
smallest, and most easy level in this 5 level game:
"Crazy8" ...This level is sort of a warm up level,
where you can run around, have some fun, practice
straffing, work on your aim and jumping skills, and
blast your buddies if you're playing deathmatch!
There is one small secret room - see if you can find
it. Also, check your map after you clear the second
spiral room (-thus the "8"...). The chainsaw is
strategically placed, so use it !!
The Phantom: This is the second level in BDSDOOM, and is where
the battle really begins... Here's the premise:
The old opera house has been taken over by demons
from hell, and they have turned the surrounding area
into an uninhabitable maelstrom of evil! It's going
to take one TOUGH marine to clear them out and make
way for the cleanup crew. What ever you do, watch
your back! The buggers are everywhere - especially
on the higher difficulty levels. You can expect to
see lifts, rising & lowering columns, lighting
effects, transporters and much more... (sappy eh?)
There are several interesting secret areas - see if
you can get 100%.
Note on the red key - you'll have to have it in
order to exit. If you haven't lowered the podium
for the red key by the time you transport into the
red key room, you'll have to be very ingenious to
find the way (this involves finding many of the
"secrets"). There's a lot more I could warn you of,
but you'll have more fun finding out for yourself!!
The Spider's Lair: Once you've cleared out the old opera house, you'll
find that you've materialized in a room with the
roof blasted away. This is where 'timing" becomes
critical. IF you can find it (you have 30 seconds)
there is a room with a view - a view of health,
armor, weapons, and invincability that is! You'll
have to be quick to find it... (save your game as
soon as this level begins - that way, if you DON'T
find the secret room, you can go back and try
again!). Haul ass...
This is a large level, with a lot of surprises.
You'll meet the spider as he guards the yellow key
(Ultra-Violence difficulty setting).
He doesn't want you to have it, because it opens
the door to his lair (you'll see his "prizes"
hanging from the ceiling), but being a persistant
marine, you'll have to press onward! Work your way
down to the bottom of the "outside area". After
you've secured everything, hit the the switches, and
things will start to change - hope you practiced
your straffing... keep exploring until you find the
red key (there are two possible ways..).
- (Ultra-Violence IS tough, but possible...)
Once again... use your map... look for secrets... and
Leaps and Bounds: This is the 4th level in BDSDOOM. It's not a real
big level, but it IS tough!! No CyberDemons or
Spiders - or even Archviles, but if you stand around
with your finger up your ... (nose), you'll be dead
fast! The trick here is to use the big elevator to
get you up and down to the various walkways needed
to make the necessary jumps to the switch platforms
that will let you make your way around the room!
(Whew!!) Being a circular room, it's sort of like
being surrounded by Indians, so watch for the guns
lighting up the room. At the end of the path that
circles the room, you'll find a transporter (which
you could see in the room-next-door at the beginning
of the level), this will get you to a lookout point
that leaves you (once again) no other choice but to
jump. When the big lift comes down, jump on and
ride it back up - and time your jump to exit the
room. Once outside, there are a few surprises left...
If you manage to get to the exit, you'll know you're
there because there's a raised mirror
on the ground next to a recessed scrolling `demon
head' wall. You'll see the reflection of the sky
in it - step aboard... and don't be surprised at
where you end up next!!
NOTE: This level has quite a puzzle solving aspect to it.
This is something I've tried to work on: i.e. the
five switches in the middle of the room. If you
really get stumped, check out the demo... you have
to hit the proper switch just the right number of
times to get the steps to the right heights to
allow access to the top of the switch platform. If
you screw up, you gotta jump down and hit the
switches on the steps (that become visable as the
steps go up) to lower them again. Then get back
to the 5 switch platform to try again... There's a
switch for each step that needs to be raised
(anywhere from one to 5 presses). When you're there
looking at the steps, think about it - you'll see...
This is a tough level for deathmatch - you may have
to cooperate !
The Hour Of Reckoning: Well, remember the mirror you stepped onto at the
end of the last level? Mirror, mirror... looks
like you transported back to where you started...
well, it's not that simple - beleive me! You've
come a long way ole' buddy, now the hour of
reckoning has arrived.
This is level 5 of BDSDOOM.
It starts out being a little familiar - but wait,
what's this? Things AREN'T quite the same once you
get back inside... hmmm, don't remember things
looking like this... Must be some sort of
trick... No trick, just a lull before all hell
breaks loose! I guarantee that you'll like this
ending! You will have forgotten all about your bad
day - I promise! ...
If you get to the "END" first in deathmatch, you can
have some fun with the other unfortunate marines,
when you let the forces of HELL loose on them -
but if you get too greedy, and don't end it, you'll
NOT live to regret it - again and again !!
|-----> * To play BDSDOOM:
I'm assuming you've unzipped BDSDOOM into your DOOM2
directory (probably c:\DOOM2 - or if you're like me,
you have a second DOOM2 directory for stuff like this
and experimenting)
With BDSDOOM.exe files in the DOOM2 directory type:
This will bring up a menu with 2 choices, P for the
Play Menu or D for the Demo Menu. Everything can be
run from these two menus. In case you want to run
from the command line, here are instructions:
doom2 -file bdsDOOM.wad -warp 3 -skill (x)
---> Where x is the level of difficulty desired
i.e. 1=Too Young To Die
2=Hey, Not Too Rough
3=Hurt Me Plenty!
5=Nightmare (no way!)
example: doom2 -file bdsdoom.wad -warp 3 -skill 4
starts BDSDOOM on the "Ultra-Violence" difficulty
setting. (Remember, BDSDOOM replaces levels 3 - 7
of ID's DOOM2)
* If you want to play just one of the levels:
doom2 -file BDSDOOM.wad -warp (x) -skill (x)
Where -warp (x) is the level you want to play, and
-skill (x) is the same as above.
example: doom2 -file bdsdoom.wad -warp 5 -skill 3
starts BDSDOOM on level 3 (of BDSDOOM) on the "Hurt
Me Plenty!" difficulty setting.
Hopefully, this is getting to be pretty standard stuff for all
the wadheads. I figured I'd try and make as easy as possible
for those who are new at it - thus the menu system & batch
|----> THE DEMOS:
Once again, I'm assuming all these files are in your
DOOM2 directory. The easiest way to play the demos
is to use the menu - type:
Then choose a number for the level you wish to watch.
OR, from the command line type:
doom2 -file bdsdoom.wad -playdemo demolev(x)
where (x) is level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of BDSDOOM.
example: doom2 -file bdsdoom.wad -playdemo demolev5
will start DOOM2, and once you "press enter to
continue", the demo for BDSDOOM level 5 will start.
(I recorded the demos with the sound off, due to the
circumstances at the time, and had numerous
interruptions, so they're not as "focused" as they
should be...)
IMPORTANT ----> The demos were recorded using version 1.9 - if you
have 1.666 - 1.8 you should download, and run the
patch to 1.9. (Available on AOL in the DOOM area)
Additional Credits to : Makers of WINDEU32, WARM 1.1 nodebuilder, and all
the creative minds out there making cool levels,
-------> and of course: | ID Software. |
I'd also like to acknowledge Michael Kelsey for the
neat "hanging door" idea from his well made
SHOOTEM3.wad (E1M5 in the Kneedeep series).
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : M3,4,5,6,7
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Nope
New Graphics : Nah
New Music : Nyet
Demos Replaced : Demos provided
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : WINDEU32 v5.24, WARM 1.1 Nodebuilder
Known Bugs : None (If you find any - let me know, thanks!)
Build Time : Lost count a 100 hrs ago (!conservative!)
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute BDSDOOM, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: AOL - DOOM area, some internet sites - if I get the time !
(if you liked it, pass it around! - maybe it will find it's way to
various BBS's)
This material is not supported or warranted by ID Software, Inc.
Happy DOOMing . . .