About This File
Well i was sittin' there and suddenly the darndest thought popped up in my head. What if i made a script which would change the light colors of a room when the walls were shot. BAMN the wad was born. But you cannot have a level with just a room so i threw on the other stuff. The anti grav room, for the longest time i wasn't so sure what to do with that space, all i knew was that i needed it for purposes of connectivity but i eventually made it antigrav with that bfg dispenser on a 40 second timer. I had polyobject doors but they bleed like all get out and were not nessecary so i just took 'em out and put in conventional ones. The midi, stayin' alive was a silly thing. I showed my roomie the script. He gave me that concerned look he often does and says "Is that disco doom?" I said no but that reminds me I got a stayin' alive midi in some forgotten dusty portion of my hard drive so i pulled out that midi and put it in the wad as d_disco note that this wad does not replace iwad entries like most wads do. To access this map it is listed as "aistmf". Either run zdoom with the command +map aistmf or type map aistmf in the console. If you want the classic map01 music you can type "changemus D_RUNNIN". Well actually it replaces one IWAD lump, DEMO1 its a zdoom 1.23 beta demo.