Text File
Title : Dark Castle
Filenames : Dark_C.wad, Dark_C.bat, Dark_C.txt (the one you're reading)
Author : Virgil the Doom Poet
Description : A 3-level miniwad for Doom2 with all new music and
graphics. Play it to find out more. It is
highly unlikely that this addon should disappoint
Oh, and don't be a chicken. Play it on Ultra Violence.
Story: : Fine, since this is more than one level, I'll tell you
a story to get you into a medieval-type mood.
You don't have to read this.
You were born in 2579 A.D. and were trained to become
a soldier since your childhood. In 2590 A.D. a way
to travel in time was invented. The hellspawn ravaged
the earth for 500 long years now and the time machine
was invented to go back in time and wipe them out.
Instead, the hellspawn gained control of the lab where
the time machine resided. All of the army went back into
the Medieval age, hoping to destroy the humans and thus
get back into a humanless future. You were sent back in
to stop the hellspawn. As you reapeared on an uncorrupt
Earth in the year 1100, you froze in silence. The demons
it seemed, have already constructed a castle and were
starting conquest of the nearby villages. It is time
take out the trash... The hard way...
There! That it. Now go and play this addon.
Credits to : All the guys who made the doom editing utilities, ID
Software, and various PWAD makers out there for some
of the graphic and music resources (you know who you are)
* Play Information *
Engine : BOOM (Not tested with any other source ports)
Episode and level # : MAP01 - MAP03
Single Player : Yes! Go play it already!
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No, but the starts are there.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Skill 5 old deathmatch 1 on 1 with
the -nomonsters parameter.
Difficulty Settings : Yes, but I STRONGLY recommend Ultra-Violence.
New Sounds : Yes. I "eliminated" one annoying little sound...
New Graphics : Yes. A whole bunch of them. Some are mine and
some are from other PWADs. (see below for details)
Demos Replaced : Yes. All three. All are recorded by me.
Loading Procedure : Unzip the zip file (Dark_C.zip) into the directory
that has BOOM and the doom2 wad (doom2.wad).
The batch file (Dark_C.bat) will take care of it.
Just run the batch file.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DMapEdit, NWT for music changes, & Dmgraph for
Known Bugs : None (If you find any, let me know)
*Details about the new graphics*
Well, first of all, all the graphics are mine, except the flats and wall
textures, which belong to the gothicdm and gothic2 wad files. (The only
exceptions are the completely black and the completely white wall textures.)
Also, levels 1 and 2 have my original music compositions. If you want to
use the level1 and level2 music from this wad, GIVE ME FULL CREDIT. The
other music, though, is not mine and is from the various MIDI archives
and PWADs out there. The sky texture is a mixture of the sky of doom's
first episode and Gothicdm's starry, bluish sky. Having said all this, I
hope NOONE will have a problem with where the stuff in this wad came from.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
levels or make profit with them. Don't even ask, either. If you want to
make a level, make it yourself, since all doomers hunger for originality
in PWADs.
You MAY distribute this WAD (and please, PLEEZE (!) do), provided you include
these files, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these
files intact without any modifications.
= * My website is at: * =
= =
=http://www.geocities.com/jomgobar2 (has frames) =
= =
=OR AT: =
= =
=http://www.geocities.com/Virgil_32_0 (gives you a choice of frames or =
= non-frames) =
= =
= =
=send comments (and abuse :)) to me at: =
=Virgil_32@hotmail.com =
= =