Text File
Author : Malcolm Sailor
Email Address : msailor@home.com
Misc. Author Info:
9th on the doomworld top ten of level editors.
Previous levels (in chronological order... the oldest ones are
absolute crap) all are for doom2 unless otherwise mentioned:
3_pack1.zip => contains ruler.wad, omelet.wad and tekrkbrn.wad
ds-61-3.zip => contains alapolgy.wad, fromdrem.wad, lab.wad, sinferno.wad
wasteme.wad and boom.wad
skull.wad (doom1)
9 levels in the Black Star Coven's 'The Talosian Incident'
hayduke1.wad => for quake1
shrthard.zip => barongat.wad and center.wad
5 levels in Gothic DM 2
DISCLAIMER: if you have never played any levels by me before, please go back
and play any of the last 3 levels on the list of levels by me before playing
this stuff.
This zip contains some 30 or so levels or pieces of levels that were never
finished or released. They range from entire levels that I never released
because I was disatisfied with them to one or two rooms that never blossomed
into anything. So why am I releasing them now? In the hope that people will
play these levels and get their own ideas as to what to do with them. I really
encourage anyone to edit any of these maps to their hearts content. I only
ask that you let me see what you've done (whether you release it or not).
The levels are organized into 5 wads:
ms1.wad => contains 6 single player maps that are completely playable from
start to finish, but for whatever reason I never released.
ms2.wad => contains 25 unfinished levels, almost none of which have any
exits. Some have monsters, some don't.
ms3.wad => contains 2 levels meant for gothic2 that never made it in to the
final wad. Both use the gothic2 texture resource.
ms4.wad => contains a very old, incomplete level that I build using the
Eternal Doom texture resource.
ms5.wad => contains one more or less complete single player doom1 level
2ND DISCLAIMER: Some of these levels suck, I admit it.
Additional Credits to : Everyone in the Doom community past and present.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : ms1.wad => map01 to map06
ms2.wad => map01 to map25
ms3.wad => map01 to map02
ms4.wad => map01
ms5.wad => e1m1
Single Player : Sort of
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Maybe on some maps.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : On the levels in ms3.wad
Difficulty Settings : Maybe on some maps.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : From scratch.
Build Time : Forever.
Editor(s) used : Dck 3.62 By Ben Morris
Nodebuilders : Zennode
Known Bugs : There are probably lots.
* Copyright / Permissions *
These levels can be distributed freely, so long as this text file accompanies
it and it is not for profit. I encourage you to modify these levels, but email
me about it and give me credit in the relevant text file.