Text File
Archive Maintainer : This is an updated version of stars.zip.
The original distribution contained a .gif
image which was in the wrong format to be
used by any Doom wad editor. The sky image
has been converted to the correct colour
pallette and inserted into a pwad for use
with either Doom, Ultimate Doom, or Doom II.
Update to : ./idgames/graphics/stars.zip
Advanced engine needed : No
Primary purpose : No levels included
Title : Doom Starfield (version 2)
Filename : stars2.wad
Release date : December 2000
Author : pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu
Description : A starfield sky texture (256x128) for use
with Doom or Doom2 (replaces sky1 and rsky1)
Additional Credits to : Sparky of KISS Software (kelm@eisa.net.au)
for converting the original distribution to
wad format.
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : Yes - a starfield sky texture
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
* Play Information *
Game : Doom, Ultimate Doom, or Doom II
Map # : All (this is a graphics-only wad)
Single Player : Yes " "
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes " "
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes " "
Difficulty Settings : Not applicable
Just load stars2.wad after the wad you want to play, for example:
doom -file mylevel.wad stars2.wad
or doom2 -file mylevel.wad stars2.wad
Note, only sky1 and rsky1 have been replaced (Doom Episode 1 and Doom2
Maps 01 to 11). If your map is something else, then you'll need a wad
editor to change the sky's name in stars2.wad.
WinTex and New Wad Tools (NWT) are both very popular wad editors.
Here are the sky names for Doom, Ultimate Doom, and Doom2:
sky1 Doom Episode 1
sky2 Doom Episode 2
sky3 Doom Episode 3
sky4 Doom Episode 4 (Ultimate Doom only)
rsky1 Doom II Map 01-11
rsky2 Doom II Map 12-22
rsky3 Doom II Map 23-32
* Construction *
Base : new from scratch (using Fractint 1.82 to
generate a starfield using a plasma fractal
type -- then I scaled it down to 256x128.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors are encouraged to use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The original text file from stars.zip follows:
After playing a few WADs and seeing the lame starfield replacements for
SKY1, I decided I'd create a better one. I used Fractint 1.82 to generate
a starfield using a plasma fractal type -- then I scaled it down to 256x128.
Note: I haven't seen how this looks in DOOM yet, so if someone tries it out,
please let me know!