Text File
Archive Maintainer : This is a wad version of an existing Dmgraph
patch. This version can be used with 'Plain
Vanilla' Doom II or any source port that can
import pwads containing sprite graphics
(most of them).
Update to : .idgames/levels/doom2/v-z/wwfdoom.zip
Advanced engine needed : no
Primary purpose : Single+Coop play
Title : WWF DOOM (version 2)
Filename : wwfdoom2.wad
Release date : January 2001
Author : The Kreator
Email Address : thekreator@geocities.com
Description : You are a new wrestler making your run-in
debut at WrestleMania XII during the
Undertaker/Deisel match! Kill the security
guard Imps, and kill the crowd of Former
Humans in the stands and the merchandise
dealers in the lobby because they've all
become zombies! Finally, find Mankind and
destroy him to end the level.
Additional Credits to : Sparky of KISS Software (kelm@eisa.net.au)
for converting the original Dmgraph patch
to wad format.
* What is included *
New levels : 1
Sounds : Yes
Music : No
Graphics : Yes - wall textures and some sprites.
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : A source port if you don't want to patch
the sprites and use 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II.
* Play Information *
Game : Doom II v1.9
Map # : Map01
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Difficulty Settings : yes, but only skills 3 and 4 (ignore 2).
* Installation *
WWF DOOM with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II:
a) add the extra sprites to wwfdoom2.wad using a program such as
DeuSF, WinTex, NWT, etc. For example: deusf -as wwfdoom2.wad
b) run the game with: doom2 -file wwfdoom2.wad
WWF DOOM with a Doom Source Port:
A much better option is to use a Doom Source Port that can import
pwads containing sprite graphics; such as: Boom, PrBoom, MBF, SMMU,
PrjDoom, Vavoom, ZDoom, Legacy, Edge, etc. Patching is not required,
just use the wad as-is. For example: boom -file wwfdoom2
The original text file follows:
*********** WWFDOOM v1.9 Readme *************
AUTHOR: The Kreator (thekreator@geocities.com)
EDITORS USED: DeeP, DmAud, DmGraph
SPECIAL CHARACTERS: The Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Mankind,
Deisel, and the Tazmanian Devil!
INSTALLATION: Unzip the contents of this file into the MAIN DOOM2 directory
ex. C:\DOOM2>
Then type install
ex. C:\DOOM2>install
STORY LINE: You are a new wrestler making your run-in debut at WrestleMania
XII during the Undertaker/Deisel match! Hunt for Mankind and beat him into
oblivion! This WrestleMania is in the Darkside where Undertaker rules! The
crowd carries guns and the security guards have become Imps! Destroy the
crowd, destory the security guards, and even destroy the merchandise dealers
in the lobby, because they've all become zombies! And ultimately, find
Mankind and destroy him!
WWFDOOM is not endorsed by, or sponsored by Titan Sports, the World Wrestling
Federation, or Vince McMahon in anyway. All images, sounds, and music are
copyrights of their respective owners. Tazmanian Devil, Taz, and all other
likenesses are (C)Copyright Warner Brothers Studios. Undertaker, Mankind,
the WWF Logo, and Deisel are (C)Copyright Titan Sports. The Ultimate Warrior
is (C)Copyright Ultimate Creations.
This level may not be used as a source to build other levels unless
specific permission is granted by The Kreator.
Level Design and Ideas are all (C)1996 Kreator's Kreations.
Where to get this WAD...
Only on The Kreator's Dominion!
COMING SOON: Goldust, Paul Bearer, Vince McMahon, and Jerry Lawler...
A steel chair at ringside to bash opponents with!
And possible an upgrade to a CAGE MATCH! (I've done it, but it needs to be