Text File
WadAuthor v1.30
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Williston Consulting
All Rights Reserved
What's New?
Version 1.30 is a minor release. As such, it fixes bugs and adds
new features without major changes to the existing interface. A
detailed list of the bug fixes, enhancements, and new features
Bug Fixes
. If an external wadfile is used for additional images, it will now
be included when running the map.
. Fixed a focus problem with the image browser dialog incremental
Improved Features
. Improved zoom under WindowsNT to a maximum of 400%.
. Improved zoom under Windows95 to a maximum of 250% by limiting map
size to 16000 units square.
. Changed the tag dialog to center the map editing view on the selected
. Added the make column option to the new rectangular sector dialog and
the new polygonal sector dialog.
. Added the current zoom setting to the status bar.
. The image browser dialog now appends an asterisk to the name of an image
if it is not supplied by the main wadfile.
. When running a map, WadAuthor will now create a response file for
passing arguments if the command line length is greater than the
operating system allows.
New Features
. Added panning on Ctrl+Shift primary click. This feature allows the user
to scroll the map view by grabbing a location and dragging rather than by
using the scroll bars.
. Added the run map dialog for customizing options immediately prior to
launching the game.
. Added the tip of the day dialog to provide on-going help and amusement.
. A special version of the WTF Productions DOOM and DOOM ][ Editing Guide
is now included with WadAuthor.
Welcome to WadAuthor
Thank you for trying WadAuthor! I hope you like using it as
much as I enjoyed creating it. The WadAuthor archive should
contain the following files:
ACC.EXE Action code script compiler
COMMON.ACS Common include file for scripts
DEFAULT.ACS Default script code for new wadfiles
DEFS.ACS Script definitions
DOOM.WCF Wadgame configuration file for DOOM
DOOM2.WCF Wadgame configuration file for DOOM ][
EX_GLASS.WAD Example of breaking glass effect (Hexen)
EX_POLYO.WAD Example of polyobject use (Hexen)
HERETIC.WCF Wadgame configuration file for HERETIC
HEXEN.WCF Wadgame configuration file for HEXEN
HEXSPC09.TXT Hexen official specifications v0.9
README.TXT The file that you are reading
SAMPLE.ACS Sample script code
SPECIALS.ACS Hexen specials declaration file
WARUN.EXE WadAuthor run map utility
WAUTHOR.CNT Windows help file contents file
WAUTHOR.EXE 32 bit Windows/NT Windows95 executable
WAUTHOR.HLP Windows help file
WAUTHOR.TIP WadAuthor tip of the day topics
WAUTHOR.WCL Software license file
WTFGUIDE.TXT WTF Productions editing guide
WVARS.ACS World variable script declarations
If any of the files are missing, you did not get the real thing.
To get started, simply unzip the files and run WAUTHOR.EXE.
WadAuthor will ask you for any configuration data it needs.
If you are a newcomer to wadfile editing, I strongly suggest
taking a look at the helpfile "Getting Started" and "Tutorial"
topics before diving in. WadAuthor is simple to use, but it
does require some knowledge of wadfile concepts.
Installing WadAuthor
If you are installing WadAuthor for the first time, simply unzip
the archive into the desired directory -- that's all there is to
it. If you are updating a pre-existing WadAuthor installation
with a new version, you need to copy all files except WAUTHOR.WCL.
Copying the license file will lose your registration information.
WadAuthor is shareware
WadAuthor is *not* free. You may use it free of charge for a
period of fifteen days. After this period of time I expect you
to register the product or remove it from your system. Consult
the helpfile "Registration" topic for further information.
I encourage you to distribute the original WadAuthor archive
freely as long as the following conditions are met:
1) You distribute the original un-modified archive.
2) You charge nothing.
Interested shareware distributors may contact me at my email
address for alternative agreements.
Happy gaming!
John B. Williston
I would like to dedicate WadAuthor to the memory of my father,
John A. Williston, who for some reason decided to end his life over
the weekend of March 16-17, 1996. He helped me to build my first
computer as a twelve year old boy, and I am well within the mark
when I say that I would never have become the man I am today
without him.
___ ___
\ \ __ / / Williston Consulting
\ \/ \/ / __________ makes software worth buying.
\ /\ / / _______/
\_/ \_/ / / http://www.speakeasy.org/~wc
/ /_______ wc@speakeasy.net