Id software (Doom) Raven software (Hexen) Team TNT (Boom) Randy Heit (ZDoom) Rick Clark (ZDoom reference) Mike Welsh aka Dec0nstructor (Switch operated turrets, not in yet though and idea how to have base defenses attack the right people) Garth Donovan aka Ziggy Gnarly (Spy skin and PSG, spy skin was slightly modified and PSG's DDF code was converted to deh/bex by Gokuma) Blue Max (Demoman, HWguy, Engineer, Scout skins) Sergeant Daniel Snyder (Soldier skin taken from his Marine Doom, some death frames by Gokuma) Creators of KickDoom (Pyro skin, modified by Gokuma) Sir Kenny (SAM site gfx, modified by Barubary) Westwood (Command & Conquer)
Text File
Ground Zero for Doom 2 with ZDoom (even dos ZDoom)
Title : Ground Zero (beta v2.0)
Filenames : gz20.txt
gzt.wad (textures)
gzskin.wad (skins)
tf1.wad - MAP01 by Gokuma
gzs.wad (other gfx, sounds, and resources)
gz20.bat (For just running GZ single player just to
check things out)
Team so far : Paul Myskow (Barubary) - Creater of GZ. Credit
anything not specially mentioned to him. He
also improved the nuclear explosions.
email: ?
Mike Fredericks (Gokuma) - C&C stuff, level in this
beta release, berserker class, scripting
HardSide (Site Designer)
Jeremy Sneep aka Renegade - possibly levels to come
Jon Dowland - some testing I think. I remember
testing online with him but not exactly why I
listed him as a team member here. Jon, if you
contributed anything else, please let me know.
Description : Capture The Flag Doom that's basically Team
Fortress Doom with some Command & Conquer stuff
How to play:
Play cooperative mode with respawning items turned on. Set your skin
manually for your team and class.
You must get the flag from the opposing base and return it to your own base.
The switch to open the door is in the command center/operation room. Taking
the flag will result in lock down (don't drop the soap, er... flag!). Take
the flag to the captures room in your base and hit the switch. Try to find
the secret omniclass room in each level to become super powerful.
PSG Sniper's rifle graphics and sounds used with the
permission of Ziggy Gnarly. Neither graphics
or sounds can be used without firstly seeking
the express written approval of Ziggy Gnarly
Additional Credits to : Id software (Doom)
Raven software (Hexen)
Team TNT (Boom)
Randy Heit (ZDoom)
Rick Clark (ZDoom reference)
Mike Welsh aka Dec0nstructor (Switch operated
turrets, not in yet though and idea how to
have base defenses attack the right people)
Garth Donovan aka Ziggy Gnarly (Spy skin and PSG,
spy skin was slightly modified and PSG's DDF
code was converted to deh/bex by Gokuma)
Blue Max (Demoman, HWguy, Engineer, Scout skins)
Sergeant Daniel Snyder (Soldier skin taken from his
Marine Doom, some death frames by Gokuma)
Creators of KickDoom (Pyro skin, modified by Gokuma)
Sir Kenny (SAM site gfx, modified by Barubary)
Westwood (Command & Conquer)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : map01
Single Player : To check it out
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Use coop mode to play CTF with two opposing teams.
Odd number players are blue. Even number players are red.
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : There will be normal DM levels
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented yet
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : no
Demos Replaced : none yet
* Construction *
Base : See Credits above
Editor(s) used : DETH
DCK 2.2 (No shareware restrictions, crashes
alot though).
Known Bugs : none
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors are incouraged to make levels for GZ but email and ask
permission to use something from GZ in another project and make sure you give
credit. Since this is only a beta and specs may change it might be a good
idea to send an email and let us, or me know that you're making a level.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD * (temporarily) (temporarily)
Get BaruBary's original betav1.1 at: