Text File
Title : Doom95 demo recording bug fix
Filename : dm95fix.zip
(including doomlnch.dll and this readme)
Authors : Never_Again
Email : tpoppins@juno.com
Author Info : I am is that which ends.
Other Files : /idgames/levels/reviews/oggi1rev.txt (Oggi.wad
review); /idgames/graphics/dmicons.zip (53 Doom
icons for Windoze).
Description : There is a bug in Doom95 which prevents demo
recording: as soon as you get into the game, Doom95
dumps you back to the desktop with an "I_Error says:
demo <demoname> recorded". I hax0red Doom95's
doomlnch.dll and now demo recording works as it is
supposed to.
Installation : Copy the included DOOMLNCH.DLL into your Doom95
directory, overwriting the old file when prompted.
Kudos to : id Software for Doom
Fred Hommel for Doom95 (a couple of minor bugs
notwithstanding) and generally being a nice guy.
* What is included *
New levels : None
New Sounds : Nope
New Graphics : Look, I toldja: this is a Dynamic Links Library file,
mmm-kay? <g>
Requirements : Doom95 for Windoze is required. If you run something
else or don't record demos, you don't need this fix.
Tip : By default, a demo recording session lasts only 15
minutes, which equates to the demo file size of 128kB.
Use "-maxdemo 512" for a demo that will be an hour
long, or "-maxdemo 1024" for two hours, and so on.
* Construction *
Base : doomlnch.dll that comes with Doom95
Construction : a few minutes of hacking
Editor used : Disc Sector Editor by David Stang
Known Bugs : Incompatible with zDoom (doh)
The fix doesn't affect gameplay in any way that I
am aware of (extensively tested since 1998). Email
me if it does.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Copy and distibute it far and wide.
* Where to get this ZIP *
email me