Text File
Warning: Loki levels are huge and puzzle-like. it'll take a while
Title : 1:4 "Glacial Caverns"
Filename : glacial.zip
Size : 8MB
Source Port Required : Jdoom 1.13.0 or 1.13.1 (preferably 1.13.0)
Author : Jerry Lehr Jr [Hatechild/AlienNation]
Email Address : jerrylehrjr@hotmail.com
Author's Homepage : http://www.muzakfiend.com/pages/muzak2/
Loki's Realm Homepage : http://www.muzakfiend.com/pages/loki/
Author's Doom Page : http://www.muzakfiend.com/pages/hatechild/
Description : This level is a level found on the future
release/current project entitled "loki's
realm". none of the storyline is included
and the game comes with a lot of extras like
external textures, a lo-fi mp3 music track
(the full version will offer these as
alternatives to the large hifi versions)
the level takes place in a frozen cavern
it has a main area and 4 sub-levels (like all
loki's realm levels, except maybe the first)
Additional Credits to : SkyJake! Jaakko Keränen (JDoom source port)
authors of wintex & windeu
Installation Instructions:
1. install jdoom 1.13.0 or 1.13.1 to a new directory
2. unzip glacial.zip into jdoom's root folder*
[2 1/2 see bottom for "sky flaw" step if you want the right sky]
3. run kickstart
4. create a new game profile and remove ALL wads
5. add registered doom2.wad from whatever folder its located
to the external wads list
6. now add 'glacial.wad' to the list
7. Play! [note: may hang up for a while loading 'textures'
this is normal. don't worry. it didn't freeze
8. when done, delete if you want, let me know what you think**
* make sure unzipping program supports zips with sub-folders
** my will to continue the game depends on if i get any reviews
* Play Information *
Map # : MAP01 [Map 1:4 on Loki's Realm]
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, a different smaller more-open part
strictly for deathmatch play (haven't tested)
please let me know if it works
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes. OLD OLD sounds from the '96/'99 version
of loki ["nightmares of loki"]
New Textures & Flats : Yes. Hi-quality (well half high quality) pngs
New Sprites/Models : Not yet, you'll just have to settle for
the doom defaults
New Music : Yes, a lo-fi mp3 encoded @ 56kbps... full
game will have the option for hifi 128bps
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : Scratch
Editor(s) used : Windeu,wintex,notepad,psp7
Known Bugs : none that I know of yet,
report to jerrylehrjr@hotmail.com
this level plays alright as a single level
but when i put the finished level in the loki
game, it locks up because of lack of memory
even raising the maxzone in kickstart fails
this has always been a problem with this
particular level
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels,
concatenations, or otherwise.
You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. not just the wad, but the zip file that includes
the music, the textures, and definition files,etc.
You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and the entire zip, not just the wad file
music is copyrighted
you can play around with the textures if you want, i made most of them
in paint shop pro 7
* Where to get this PWAD *
* Important Notes *
loki's realm was started 8 years ago and finished once in 1999
as 'nightmares of loki.' now... its back under more heavy construction
with hi-res graphics, more detail, MP3 music soundtrack, full 3d
models (instead of cheap sprites) and a completely new plot (that
wasn't thought up as-written in "dehacked" in less than 2 minutes,
more like 2 months off and on, and its still not finished)
Enjoy and Thanks!
Step 2 1/2. Sky flaw error
ok its uploaded and i can't overwrite it : (~
there's just one tiny problem with the level that ONLY
matters if you want to see the blue sky instead of the orange sky
reason: this map WAS map05 but i changed it to map01 for easier play
as a demo level, but map01 is set to sky1, not sky2
if you're familiar with jdoom, all you have to do is change
sky1 to sky2 in map01
if you're not... here goes: (note: this is completely optional)
2 1/2 - 1. go to the DEFS/JDOOM directory
- 2. open "maps.ded" with notepad (or wordpad if too big)
- 2. find the map settings for MAP01
- 2. change the sky from sky1 to sky2
- 5. save it, now go back up to step 3