Text File
Foxhole.wad is my first published attempt at a deathmatch wad.
It's small enough for 2 player, but is excellent for 3 and 4 player
Title : Foxholes 'R' Us
Filename : FOXHOLE.WAD
Author : Brian Monroe
Email Address : monroeb@essex.hsc.colorado.edu
Misc. Author Info : Love fast cars, big houses, and wants to be
just like Jack Daughery.
Description : 3 big rooms connected like a cloverleaf.
Most of the items of value are located in
various "foxholes" (that you can't just run
past...you gotta slow down) or on top of
or behind pillars that lower when players
cross certain areas (kind of an interesting
way to find out where people are...hint)
There are a few side tunnels, and a pair
of teleports.
This is one level you may wish to play
WITH monsters. The pillar in the middle
(between the 2 bigger rooms) will have a
single CYBERDEMON on it, who will act as a
sniper whilst the players try to duck and
dodge. He's the only monster, and he's
not that hard to kill (if'n ya know how...)
Additional Credits to : Everyone in my office who sacrificed lunch to
play (right. sacrificed), everyone in my
Networking class who played, and everyone
on #IDOOM on IRC. BTW, Khan, this one's
for you. No BFG on skills 1-3, so stop
crying ;)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes (But worthless)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (But worthless)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! (That's what it's designed for!)
Difficulty Settings : No BFG on skills 1-3. No other change
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Edmap, and whatever it comes with.
Known Bugs : One small visual bug near curved staircase.
Design Time : 4 hours (Didn't mess with textures much, and EdMap
rocks design time.
* Permissions *
Authors: Go for it. I'll never find out. Use it and abuse it.
You MAY distribute this WAD, however you see fit. However, since I
like to see my name in lights, I'd PREFER you include this file with