Text File
Title : 2002 A DOOM ODYSSEY (V2)
Filename : 2002ado.wad
Authors : Paul Corfiatis (leader), Chris Hansen, Kristian Aro
VIRGIL (the Doom Poet), Sam "Metabolist" Woodman
Rory Habich, Anthony Soto, Joseph Pallai.
Email Address : pcorfiatis@our.net.au (Paul)
doomed_krise@hotmail.com (Kristian)
neworderdatabase@hotmail.com (Anthony)
IMJUSTJOE@prodigy.net (Joe)
C.N.H.DK@mail.tele.dk (Chris)
virgil_32@hotmail.com (VIRGIL)
rhabich@freeler.nl (Rory)
sewoodman@talk21.com (Sam)
Note : This is an updated version which fixes a few minor
crannies in some of the levels. The original version was
released on July 24, 2002. Improvment changes were made to
E1M3, E1M5, E2M2, E4M2, E4M5 and E4M6. Also, some other changes
have been made. A MAPINFO entry has been added into the wad
which allows for seperate level by level skies and the correct
music arangments for Episode 4. There is also an all-new E5M1
for Zdoom players only.
Description : A 4 episode megawad for the Ultimate Doom
containing 4 all new challenging episodes for
you to test you're skill on, great architecture
and lots of hard work, put into every level.
A recomended download.
Story : You fight you're way through a monster infested
bloodbath to destroy that spider. Then you return
home to find out the awful truth that you're wife
"Stephanie" has been kidnapped by Tommy the Trooper.
Then you must go back into hell somewhere else to
destroy Tommy and rescue you're wife.
Additional Credits to : All the authours for the Utilites which made
this megawad possible. ID software of course
for allowing all us authors and others to create
addon levels for their games over the past 10
years. And myself for making sure this great
megawad would be completed and not go dead like
some other megawads such as Doom Millennium?.
Also credit goes to members who signed in and
gave it a try but couldnt get any ideas going.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : ALL - Thats 4 all new episodes.
Single Player : YES - Recomended.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : YES - Good for some of the harder
levels (such as E4M6).
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES - Not in all levels.
Difficulty Settings : YES - In every level.
New Sounds : NO - This is Doom.
New Graphics : YES - Taken from various wads, etc.
New Music : YES - All new original songs written by
Paul Corfiatis. Thats 27 new level songs
and 4 misc songs.
Demos Replaced : ALL - All recorded with Doom v1.9.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : Various
* Known Bugs *
If the game crashes using Doom v1.9. Here are some possible solutions
it is recomended that you use a source port to play this megawad.
See the Requirements section below.
E4M9 Items dissapering : A source port will display this level properly.
Savegame bug : If you play using the old Doom.exe V1.9
and try to save a game and it crashes
with "Savegame buffer overrun" or the screen
messes up. That means the level is too big
to save in. This occurs on some of the big
levels such as E2M7, E3M7 and E4M6.
Visplane error (VPO) : This is a limit in the original Doom v1.9 (DOS version).
No more visplanes The game crashes in very detailed areas.
Visplane overflow It is recomended that you use a source port
such as BOOM or ZDOOM to prevent this from
occuring. See Requirements below. The chances
of getting a VPO is hard. But in levels like
E4M5, E4M6, E2M7, E3M5, E1M8 where there is lots of detail
you are at risk!. In Doom95, VPO errors dont seem
to be as easy to occur, the limit might be doubled???.
* Who did which level? *
If I did not include this here, Kristian would murder me!, estimated percentage
of level written besides names. I'm not telling you the level names, you find
out by yourself.
Episode 1 Episode 3
E1M1 Paul Corfiatis 100 E3M1 Sam Woodman 100
E1M2 Kristian Aro 100 E3M2 Paul Corfiatis 100
E1M3 Paul Corfiatis 100 E3M3 Rory Habich 100
E1M4 Kristian Aro 100 E3M4 Rory Habich 100
E1M5 Paul Corfiatis 100 E3M5 Virgil the "Doom" poet 100
E1M6 Kristian Aro 100 E3M6 Chris Hansen 100
E1M7 Paul Corfiatis 100 E3M7 Paul Corfiatis 100
E1M8 Kristian Aro 100 E3M8 Paul Corfiatis 100
Episode 2 Episode 4
E2M1 Paul Corfiatis 100 E4M1 Paul Corfiatis 100
E2M2 Chris Hansen 99 / Paul Corfiatis 1 E4M2 Anthony Soto 93 / Paul Corfiatis 7
E2M3 Rory Habich 100 E4M3 Chris Hansen 100
E2M4 Paul Corfiatis 100 E4M4 Chris Hansen 100
E2M5 Paul Corfiatis 100 E4M5 Chris Hansen 96 / Paul Corfiatis 4
E2M6 Rory Habich 100 E4M6 Joe Pallai 98 / Anthony Soto 2
E2M7 Kristian Aro 75 / Paul Corfiatis 25 E4M7 Chris Hansen 99 / Paul Corfiatis 1
E2M8 Paul Corfiatis 100 E4M8 Paul Corfiatis 100
Secret Levels
E1M9 Paul Corfiatis 100
E2M9 Paul Corfiatis 100
E3M9 Sam Woodman 100
E4M9 Paul Corfiatis 100
E5M1 Paul Corfiatis 100
* Requirements *
Hard drive Space : 20 megs, the wad is almost 12 megs. But this
shouldnt be a problem because most computers
today have thousands of megs free space.
Minimum : Doom v1.9 on a 486 with fast video card
but due to the detail in some of the levels
you are at risk of a Visplane releated crash.
If you use Doom95, the Visplane limit seems
to be bigger and there is less chance of a crash.
Recomended : A source port such as Boom on anything
faster than a P100. A recomended DOS source
port is BOOM which is avaliable at the TeamTNT
site at (www.teamtnt.com). This port removes
the Save game and Visplane limit and is very
stable. There are other good source ports
avaliable such as win95/98 based ZDOOM and
Doom Legacy. Go to www.doomworld.com to download
a selection of freeware source ports.
The 5 best source ports are:
- BOOM - An Excellent DOS based source port
by TeamTNT. Go to www.teamtnt.com for more info.
Very stable and runs on computers as slow as 486s.
- PRBOOM - A windows port of Boom above. Runs well
even in the old Win95.
- ZDOOM - A windows port which can even play
Heretic and supports all Boom features and hexen
scripts, many music formats, the lot.
Win98 recomended (Crashes alot in Win95 due to sounds, etc).
Can also crash in Win98 but is much more stable. Zdoom is
recomended to run levels such as E5M1.
- MBF - A modified version of Boom which adds a
few extra features.
- DOOM LEGACY - Another good windows port which
takes 3d floors, etc. E5M1 might also work in Legacy?
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
* Other stuff by Paul Corfiatis *
Visit Paul's Doom page at http://www.geocities.com/paul33_au/