Text File
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Advanced engine needed : Yes - JDoom ONLY
Primary purpose : All play modes (no levels included)
Title : MP2 Music Definitions for JDoom
Filename : mp2music.ded
Release date : October 2002
Author : Sparky of KISS Software
Email Address : sparky14@iprimus.com.au
Other Files By Author : strifed1.zip alpha04g.zip darkmenu.zip
hacx_ctf.zip thshock2.zip dmf-sp.zip
ffdoom2.zip etinetiq.zip
...and 100's of fixes/updates
Misc. Author Info : Electronics Engineer with a passion for Doom
Description : Okay, so you've downloaded all the Doom/Doom2
.mp2 files from Doomworld (www.doomworld.com)
or Bobby Prince's site (before he moved only
some of them to www.mp3.com). But how can you
use them in a source port without creating a
massive 60MB wad?
This file is simply a DED (Doomsday Engine
Definitions) file for the source port JDoom.
It simply tells JDoom what music to use for
each level, and where to find the files.
Additional Credits to : Jaakko Keränen - the author of JDoom and the
Doomsday Engine <skyjake@doomsdayhq.com>;
Robert Prince for releasing the .mp2 files;
Doomworld for storing the music for all these
years <http://www.doomworld.com>
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : Yes - a DED (Doomsday Engine Definitions)
file for the Doom source port JDoom.
Other files required : JDoom - a Doom source port available from:
Doom1 and/or Doom2's music files in .mp2
format - approx. 60MB - available from:
* Play Information *
Game : Doom and/or Doom ][
Game play modes : all (untested in multiplayer modes)
* Installation *
1) Download all the Doom1 and/or Doom2 .mp2 files from Doomworld
a) for some unknown reason, when Robert Prince made the .mp2
files available in 1998 (?), he chose to use different filenames
than the lump names within doom.wad and doom2.wad.
Open mp2music.ded with a text editor to see the names of the
required .mp2 files and their equivalent Doom lump names.
b) There are less files than levels because many of the songs are
used on more than one level. For example, m02_full.mp2 is used on
Doom2's MAP02 (D_STALKS), MAP11 (D_STLKS2), and MAP17 (D_STLKS3).
c) the Doom1 intermission music (D_INTER) is missing on Doomworld so
I have just linked to the Doom2 equivalent (D_DM2INT).
2) Put this DED file into the following Doomsday folder:
3) Create a new folder called "music" in your Doomsday folder.
For example: c:\doomsday\music\ or c:\jdoom\music
(depends what you named the folder when you first installed it).
4) Put all your Doom1 and Doom2 .mp2 files in this new MUSIC folder.
Start JDoom and select: Options - Other - Audio Panel
Under the "Preferred Music Source", select "External Files"
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : a couple of hours
Editor(s) used : Windows Notepad
Known Bugs : the Doom1 intermission music (D_INTER) is
missing on Doomworld so I have just linked to
the Doom2 equivalent (D_DM2INT). Just edit
mp2music.ded with a text editor if you prefer
to use the original internal D_INTER.
May Not Run With... : any source port other than JDoom.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification
or reuse - with the appropriate credit of course. You MAY distribute
this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
Probably: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/music/mp2music.zip