Text File
Title : Grind
Filenames : grind.wad
Author : Kara C. Rader
Email Address : Kara@xfury.net
WWW Page : Meh.
Misc. Author Info : After the failure of "uac.wad" (uac3.wad),
Kara has gone on to make another attempt at
level editing in hopes to preserve her good
name. Admittedly, all the rooms in uac.wad
DID look the same, which was avoided in this
file (hopefully). =) The file is a little
cramped for space, but for one-on-one play,
it should be fine.
Description : A rather small deathmatch level for Doom II.
A little more detail than the previous wads.
Guns: Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun,
Chaingun, Rocket Launcher. Does not require
advanced ports, though jumping can get you
through the window in the book room if you so
choose to use, say, Legacy or ZDoom. Don't
ask why it's called Grind. I have no idea.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : The start is there. No enemies to fight.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : See above.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : The level is designed for deathmatch. =)
Difficulty Settings : No.
New Sounds : No.
New Graphics : Nope.
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : None.
* Construction *
Base : Started from scratch.
Editor(s) used : Registered DeePsea.
Known bugs : None. If anyone finds any bugs, be sure and
tell me where you were and what you were
doing when it happened.
Time Taken : Two days. Approximately 5 hours total.
* Other Details *
Mail me if you have any questions or information on the file.
You MAY distribute this file in any format.