Text File
Date Finished : 15 October 2002
Author : Karthik Abhiram
Email Address : me@karthik82.com
Misc. Author Info : 20 year old Doomer from India, for more info
see http://karthik82.com. There's lots of stuff
over there, both Doom and non-Doom related.
Description : "Congestion Control" is an action packed map for
Doom II - my most detailed level till date, with
a few new graphics as well. Also it's the first
level I'm releasing at my new site, Karthik82.com
(heh). Plus, it has a huge text file (this one)
which makes good reading (atleast I hope so),
and some goodies!
And since this file is big, if you don't have the
patience to read all of it, this is what you
need to know...
doom2 -file cct.wad
Yes, that's all.
Story : Yes there is one!! Read it below, it's good and
amusing. More a "scenario" than an actual story,
but it's better than the one I wrote for my
earlier "The Other Side of Phobos" level!
Other WADs by Author : In descending order...
osp.wad (Ultimate Doom, 12 Mar 2002)
ophase2.wad (Doom II, 1 Jan 2002)
ophase.wad (Doom II, 3 Oct 2001)
cpunch.wad (Ultimate Doom, 15 Apr 2001)
ick.wad (Ultimate Doom, 31 Mar 2001)
Additional Credits to : * My brother Varun for playtesting and useful
feedback, and also for making three textures
for this level. They look great and are very
professional, but that's not surprising since
he's always had a talent for graphics.
* Tobias Münch and Pablo Dictter - for Doch
and pictures of Doch!
* Seriously now, Tobias' map "Hot Blood" was
an inspiration to me for making all the
"red" areas of this level. Pablo's secret
level for his "Subversion" episode was also
inspired by the same map.
* To everyone who has given me feedback on my
levels, and feedback on the screenshots I
posted on this one!
* To all the people who made demos for my earlier
* The authors of all tools used to make this
* The 9th Gate Team for being the great friends
that they are!
* id Software of course.
* You for downloading/playing the level!
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file *
New level WAD : Yes
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Doom II, MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : 4 Player Starts included, but not tested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : 8 Deathmatch Starts included. The level is not
intended for deathmatch, but I did test it out
with Skulltag. It's fun, you can play it too.
Difficulty Settings : Of course (see below)
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes (see below)
New Graphics : Yes (see below)
Demos Replaced : None (demos welcome!)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : I built this thing between June and October
2002, whenever I had the time.
Editor(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Tagliaferri - Editing
ZenNode 1.1.0 by Marc Rousseau - Node Building
BSP 5.0 by Colin Phipps - Node Building
Wintex 4.3 by Olivier Montanuy - Putting
the WAD file together (map and
some of the resources)
XWE by Csabo - Inserting the new graphics and
cleaning up the final WAD
Paint Shop Pro 6.0 by Jasc Software - making
the new graphics
Known Bugs : None
May Not Run With... : A faulty computer, or a computer without Doom II
(I believe Damian Lee made this same joke in his
"Realm of the Green Soul" WAD's text file...)!
Jokes apart, this map is perfectly compatible
with ordinary doom2.exe v1.9 and does not require
any enhanced port to run (see below).
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
The usual: ftp://3darchives.in-span.net/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
FTP sites:
Other: My site, http://karthik82.com
OK, now for the section you have all been waiting for (or not)...
* Additional Information *
Gameplay Info : Skill settings are implemented as you'd expect,
skill levels 1 and 2 being easy (fewer monsters
and easier to handle). Skill 3 is designed for
normal play. And skill 4 is hard. Harder than
my previous levels, designed for experienced
Graphics Info : This level includes the following graphics
* New titlepic, made by me.
* New intermission background, made by me.
* End level title (the "Congestion Control" that
appears in the intermission screen), by me.
* The red sky from "Final Doom: TNT - Evilution".
* Two brick wall textures from "Final Doom:
The Plutonia Experiment". BRBRICK and BRICK1
are the patch names.
* REDWALL1 and PLANET1 textures imported from
Doom I.
* Four new textures made by me. The patches for
three of these are named KTEX1, KTEX2
and EREBUS3. These were all made from my
drawings. The other one is called HITCH
because it has something to do with "The Hitch
Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (heh).
You will see the first three textures in secret
areas and the last one in the final area.
* Three new textures made by my brother Varun
(http://varun87.tripod.com). These are the
yellow and red light textures, and finally
the great new UAC Door texture (used for the
all the doors in the level that require a key
to open).
Music : There are three music replacements in this WAD.
* Title Music : "Role Model" by Eminem (I don't
remember where I got the MIDI
* Level Music : "Popcorn Dance Mix" by Davie
M. Karlsson (that's what it
says in the MIDI file). If you
have ever played the 1983 game
"Digger" you would have taken
note of the great music in it...
well, that song is called
"Popcorn". And this is a dance
version of it. I got this MIDI
file from my friend Pavan, he
had downloaded some Tetris game
and he gave me the MIDI files
that were there in that game.
This was one of them.
By the way if you have ever (or
never) played "Digger", you
should get the "remastered"
version from
* Intermission : "MMMenu" by Lee Jackson, from
the soundtrack of "Rise of the
Triad". I don't remember where
I got the MIDI file from.
Compatibility Info : As with all my other levels, "Congestion Control"
is completely compatible with doom2.exe. It does
not require any enhanced port to run, inspite of
it having a pretty nice standard of detail. I
try to keep all my levels compatible with the
original game, so that everyone will be able to
play it. I used two different nodebuilders while
making this level, first BSP, and later
ZenNode. The nodes that finally ended up in this
WAD were built with ZenNode.
The level itself was tested with doom2.exe v1.9,
Doom95, ZDoom v1.22, ZDoom v1.23beta33, Skulltag
(The Special Hissy Edition), Doom Legacy v1.40,
Boom v2.02. For fun, I even put together my
doom2.wad along with the shareware doom.exe
v1.666 and played it with that!
Additional Cool Stuff : My previous level, "The Other Side of Phobos" had
a "super secret" room - it was the 1337 room (uh,
not that the room was 1337, but it had a big
glowing 1337 on the floor). There is something
like that in this level as well, although I think
it is not as hard to find. If you want to know
what it is, scroll down and see. (Don't do that
if you don't want the "surprise" spoiled though).
Also included in this ZIP package are my drawing
of you, the Doom marine, and a plan of the map
itself, before I started building it.
Story: 13 HOURS AGO: You were working at the UAC's
research center, unaware of the trouble that was
to follow. You were in charge of maintaining all
the facility's computer networks (no trivial job,
seeing as how these networks had to communicate
over interplanetary distances). But today was
no ordinary day.
3 HOURS AGO: The entire base was evacuated
and everyone made preparations for the big
experiment - well, atleast, you assumed it was
something big because you didn't have a clue as
to what it was. Those geeky scientists didn't
talk much, and when they did you usually couldn't
understand a word they were saying. Quantum
Physics wasn't your area of expertise.
7 MINUTES AGO: You saw a huge beam of light
encapsulate the entire facility. You were a
safe distance away, fortunately, but your friends
weren't lucky. Come to think of it, you really
still don't know what happened to them. Or the
facility itself. It seems a sort of spatial and
temporal distortion had taken place - your base
had literally "fused" with some sort of hellish
place from... wherever. And there were so many
demons infesting the place! You'd dealt with
network congestion before, but never demonic
congestion!! You could hear noises all around
you - demons waiting to materialise into this
NOW: You suddenly materialise inside the base
and you find yourself near an almost-closed door
near the radioactive waste management system's
main disposal pipe. Atleast that structure
still remained - everything else seems to have
changed after the distortion. You don't have
anywhere else to go, and nothing important to do
- so you figure you may as well resolve the
situation here. Atleast it would be something
productive - for the past few days things had
been very boring - changing all the UAC Website
port numbers to 1337 for a brief period of time
was the most amusing thing you'd done.
Inside, you suddenly recall something that you
downloaded just yesterday (from a website on
Earth) - a video clip. (You had also got some
pictures of that monkey, Doch.)
What you had seen in it applied perfectly to this
Well, you now decide you'll tackle the demonic
congestion situation the same way you would
deal with a network congestion problem.
Congestion leads to congestion. Therefore you
have to control it at the source. The best way
to do that is to eliminate congestion at each
stage, "choking" it repeatedly until you
got to the cause - and then you would destroy
it once and for all!
So what are you waiting for? Go 2 It!
* What's the Secret Area? *
Well, the secret area is "supposed" to be an Art Gallery. But since you
needed me to explain that to you I don't suppose it's a very inventive
thing, but anyway I couldn't think of anything else!