Text File
Date Completed : Aug. 30, 2002 - Map
Oct. 30, 2002 - Release
Title : I Dunno
Filename : idunno.wad
Other Works : http://doom.vect.org:8080/
Author : Cyb
Email Address : cyb@vect.org
Description : This is my Freedoom map. I never had anything reviewed in the newstuff
chronicles thingy on Doomworld, and I figure it'll be a while before
Freedoom is released. This is the standalone version so you don't need
the Freedoom wad to play it, tho it couldn't hoit.
Additional Credits to : Fraggle cuz he's the Freedoom guy and if he hadn't bugged me over the
summer to contribute this I wouldn't have made it. Plus I figure this
makes up for all the Elton John stuff, hehe. Also those jerks at
id Software, but that's a given.
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2, you need something Boom enchaced. Tested it in ZDoom and prBoom
Level # : map01 (it's map25 of Freedoom though)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Aye
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, there's actually a deathmatch area that you can't get to in SP but you
can see it and stuff. I dunno how well it plays tho, but I imagine a lot
better than the SP part would.
Difficulty Settings : Yessir
New Sounds : No, but Freedoom has them mang.
New Graphics : Not at all.
New Music : Nope. Freedoom has new music...
Demos Replaced : Too many issues with all the danged source ports. If you want send me
one tho.
* Construction *
Base : Scratch
Editor(s) used : WadED, WadAuthor, Warm, Wintex
Build time : Probably two months over the summer, but only because it's painfully slow
to edit in WAuthor (for me anyway). Damned sector based editing.
Known Bugs : I think I fixed them all, ie areas possible to get stuck, but you play at
your own risk and whatnot.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided
that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file) with
the exception of in Freedoom which can distribute it however the heck it feels like.
Where to Get this wad:
FTP: http://doom.vect.org:8080/