Text File
Title : ManoWar Part II - The Triumph of Steel.
"The last chance for Honor & Glory is in your hands."
FileName : MANOWAR2.WAD v1.0
Author : Javier Fernando Almenara Otoya
E-Mail Addresses : aojavierfdo@hotmail.com
WEB Sites : http://doortohell.tripod.com
Misc. Author Info : Developer also for Special Tools for DooM
(DCF, NeTDooM, MaPRunner) and WAD Stuff (levels and textures).
WADFile to be used with : DooM Utimate [ ] DooM ][ [X] Heretic [ ] Hexen [ ]
Description : A file that contains some new sounds changes, some
new music, a new map & also some new graphics.
You should use a modern engine to play this WAD file.
The Story So Far : After a long time of peace and calm, this feeling of
tranquility was altered by the abrupt apparition of a
variety of foetus that were creating the chaos everywhere.
The most strange thing was, that these creatures had
translate themselves succesfully to a past age. Using a
method that relate time-space they have teleport and
build a powerfull fortlet from the one they are doing
their misdeeds. Lots of warriors have been killed after
the confrontation against these beasts... but one of them,
ManoWar will win them... the hatred was revived in him
after these aliens kidnapped his sweetheart... now there
is no step back. The great advantage for him was to use
all the technology that his enemies left while they escape.
Now you're ready and remmember: You're ManoWar... ¡The Man
Of War!
Graphics Replacements : TITLEPIC - Title Screen
M_DOOM - Menu Logo
INTERPIC - Intermission Screen
HELP - Help Screen
CREDIT - Authors Screen
BOSSBACK - End Boss Screen
M_SKULL - Pointer
Music Replacements : D_DM2TTL - Title Music
D_DM2INT - Intermission Music
D_RUNNIN - Map 01 Music
D_STALKS - Map 02 Music
D_COUNT - Map 03 Music
D_BETWEE - Map 04 Music
D_DOOM - Map 05 Music
Sounds Replacements : A lot of them.
Additional Credits to : LionHeart TM. and to all the persons that have
developed that useful Tools to Change and Replace
the DooM Textures (WinTex specially and much others...)
Oh sure, iD Soft. for their DooM & DooM ][
Jim Flynn for the Musput Utility.
Email: jflynn@pacbell.net
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Yes. Only for Map 01 of DooM ][
To use it type -> (for ex.) C:\DOOM2>DooM2 -File ManoWar2.Wad
Single Player : Yes, of course.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, sure you can.
DeathMatch 2-4 Player : Yes, of course you can.
Difficulty Settings : Yes. All the skill degrees have been implemented.
New Skin Added : Yes. The Warrior.
New Sounds : Yes. A lot of them.
New Music : Yes; described in detail above.
Music is directly embedded. You can change the music inside the
game, just typing 'IDMUS ##'. ## = number of the map.
Tips: If you want to hear other music, you can do the following:
IDMUS 01 - To select the music of Map01 in other Map.
IDMUS 34 - To select the music of the Title Screen in other Map.
IDMUS 35 - To select the music of the Intermission Screen in other Map.
New Graphics : Yes; described in detail above.
Demos Replaced : No.
Status : Complete.
* Construction *
Base : An Skin replacement with the Warrior of 'HeXen'.
Build Time : More than 03 (three) hours.
Editor(s) used : WinTex v4.7; what else? Also Musput, to embbed the music.
You don't have WinTex v4.7, ¿what are you waiting for?
Get it now from: http://doortohell.tripod.com
Known Bugs : Well... anyone I hope!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. But please send,
us an E-Mail, so we will know you are using it. There's no problem at all guys!!!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as
long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: Well, you can get it at:
Other: I hope you like my MANOWAR2.WAD; if it is the case please contact me
and let me know. If not... well I'm really sorry, but you loose your time...