Text File
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DooM ][
Version 1.0 for DOS
and Windows
(Built on December 20 2002)
Designed by:
Javier Fernando Almenara Otoya
E-mails : aojavierfdo@hotmail.com
WEB Pages: http://doortohell.tripod.com
* General Information *
Title : WADHEX - Hexadecimal Visualizator.
FileName : WADHEX.EXE v1.0 (For DooM, DooM ][, Heretic and HeXen)
Misc. Author Info : Developer also of Special Tools for DOOM
(DCF, NeTDooM, MapRunner) and WAD Stuff (levels, and textures).
Description : Principal Functions
The program permits to view a WAD file of any type (textures,
sounds, constructions), opening it to visualize in hexadecimal
Also this program is useful to view any class of file (really
any type!) and it can also help you to find "virus strings" or
strange information in your data.
However, the principal idea of its development was to view
WAD files.
This program will not alter of damage your files anyway :)
Status : Complete.
Additional Credits to : iD Software - For their games mentioned above.
e-mail: help@idsoftware.com
* Program Information *
This aplication helps you to visualize WADs constructed for DooM, DooM ][, Heretic and HeXen.
There are some ways how you can use the program,
In the DOS Mode:
Usage: (for example)
c:\wadhex>wadhex myfile.wad - will display all the hexadecimal content of this file
c:\wadhex>wadhex myfile.wad |more - will display all the hexadecimal content page by page
c:\wadhex>wadhex myfile.wad > prn - will send all the hexadecimal content to printer
In the Windows Mode:
Usage: (for example)
Using the Explorer you can also drag any WAD file and put it over the executable file of
WADHex... it is that simple to make the program works on your selected file.
I have also included some batch files that can help, to make the usage of this utility faster.
Please note that batch files should be executed in the DOS mode for best results.
* Construction *
Base : From scratch.
I built part of this application when I was a student.
Some changes were done to make it works fine and safe.
Build Time : Two days approximatively, considering tests and depurations.
Programming Languaje : Turbo 'C'
Known Bugs : Anyone by the moment.
Extra Comments : You can invoke the program from within DOS directly or using
the Explorer if you are in the Windows environment... (which
I think will be case of the majority of users)
* Official Files *
Author.Exe : Electronic Information about the author.
(built in Visual Basic)
File_Id.Txt : Identification File of the program.
WADHex.Exe : Executable File of the program.
WADHex.Sph : Text File in Spanish.
WADHex.Txt : Text File in English (this file ;)
WHprn.Bat : Batch File to send the information to printer.
WHscr.Bat : Batch File to display the information with paging.
* Copyright / Permissions *
The Users MAY apply the program freely, by their own risk... as it has been
mentioned above there are no fatal errors. Comments or contributions are
You MAY distribute this Program, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this Program *
FTP sites: Well, you can get it at:
BBS numbers:
By the moment there is no BBS number; sorry :(
You can E-mail me, and I can send it to you :)