Text File
º DooM2 * DoomsDay level by Helioth (Francois Coppex) and Andre Christen º
º * Official Original DoomsDay'95 DooM2 Level * º
Title : DoomsDay'95
Author : Helioth (Francois Coppex)
Andre Christen (World of Games / 031 941 37 47)
Email Address : francois.coppex@buemplizer.ch
Misc. Author Info : Helioth:
Author of The Spring Ballad (TNTSPRNG.ZIP)
Author of The Imp Fiesta (TNTFSTA.ZIP)
Author of Cleaning Of All Kind (COAK.ZIP)
Description : þ Official original DoomsDay'95 DooM2 level.
þ This is a DEATHMATCH level ONLY!
þ This is a small level without monsters. It
was designed for the DooM2 Swiss Championship
that was held in Bern the 19th March 1995.
þ The WADfile is really huge because we had to
avoid restarting DooM.exe everytime a player
exits the first level. That's why the 6 first
levels were replaced, as well as for the
þ The design of the level was studied for 4
player deathmatches only.
þ There are some secret rooms.
Additional Credits to : þ ID Software, Brendon J Wyber, Rapha‰l Quinet,
Colin Reed.
º* Play Information * º
Level # : 1,2,3,4,5,6
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : Yes (Taken from DooM2 level 18)
Demos Replaced : No
º* Construction * º
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Approximately 20 hours
Wad. size : 717'756 bytes
(445k map + 273k music)
Editor(s) used : DEU2 5.21, BSP 1.2x, NWT 1.2
Known Bugs : None
º* Copyright / Permissions * º
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
You may not use this level as a base to build additional levels unless a
special agreement exists with its author.
You may not use this file in any commercial purpose unless a special
agreement exists with its author.
If you need one of the copyright points to be modified or removed, just
let it know to me by E-Mail.
º* Where to get this WAD * º
FTP sites: n/a
BBS numbers: Lycaeum: +41 41 76 29 89 (ZyXEL)
+41 41 76 32 89 (USR)
Dark Severity: +41 37 46 24 77
º* Other * º
þ This time two people were needed for building this level.
Andre Christen did all the creative work: he designed the map on paper
including brightness, textures, deathmatch starts, things...
Then I translated the map onto computer using DEU2, adding some
restrictions following from my knowledges of DooM level editing.
It wasn't a piece of cake... We discovered, when testing it, that I had
made a level that was at least two times too big for a thrilling play.
So I kept the large version for releasing it as a normal one player/
cooperative PWAD, and I scaled down very much (two and a half times)
the deathmatch version.
þ I had already build 3 normal huge levels before I started this one. I
thought it wouldn't be very different from what I already did, excepted
that it had to be a bit smaller...
I was really very wrong, there are lots of big differences in deathmatch
level editing. I'll try to make a synthesis of what I learned:
³ One Player ³ Deathmatch ³
Size ³þNo restriction. ³þFor 4 players, 40kb (fighting ³
³þWith normal editors the ³ area) is the upper limit of a ³
³ memory limit is of app. ³ PWAD. ³
³ 170k for the map. ³þFor 2 players, 25kb (fighting ³
³ ³ area) is the upper limit of a ³
³ ³ PWAD. ³
Rooms ³þNo restriction apart: ³þVery little rooms, with a few ³
Structure ³ 1)Hall of Mirror ³ places where the player can ³
³ 2)Computer MHZ ³ protect himself from the other ³
³þIn addition of the ³ player. ³
³ difficulty in outliving ³þA main corridor that links all ³
³ all the monsters, you ³ the rooms together. ³
³ may add the difficulty ³þThe structure should be ³
³ in getting out of a ³ extremely simple so that the ³
³ real maze. ³ players have the level map in ³
³ ³ mind. ³
³ ³þPlaces where corridors go in ³
³ ³ 3 different ways (ÄÁÄ) become ³
³ ³ very interesting. ³
Taglines ³þUse a lot of sector tags³þUse as less as possible taglines³
³ because it should give ³ (raising stairs, mooving things,³
³ the level a lot more ³ brightness go to zero...) ³
³ interest. ³ because it disturbs a lot the ³
³ ³ players and they should only ³
³ ³ think at where the other players³
³ ³ are and how to trap them. ³
Textures ³þNo restriction. Your ³þThey have to be very special, ³
³ aim is to make that ³ specific. It helps the players ³
³ the player gets totally ³ to learn by heart the map. ³
³ lost in an unknown and ³ Examples: A strongly lit WHITE ³
³ hostile world, so that ³ room / A BLUE computer room... ³
³ the game gains some ³þNever do 2 rooms that have ³
³ suspense. ³ ressemblant textures. ³
³ ³þUse simple textures so that ³
³ ³ the players are very visible ³
³ ³ to each other. ³
Things ³þDo not make a BFG9000 ³þThe BFG9000 isn't to most ³
³ available for killing ³ powerful weapon. You have to ³
³ imps, demons, cacodemons³ redefine the weapon's power: ³
³ because it becomes far ³ 1.Plasma Gun ³
³ too easy. ³ 2.Super Shootgun ³
³þGive the player enough ³ 3.Rocket Launcher ³
³ weapons so that he does ³ 4.Shootgun ³
³ not have to kill Barons ³ 5.Chaingun ³
³ with his fists... ³ 6.BFG9000 ³
³ ³ 7.Pistol ³
³ ³ Some minor changes are possible,³
³ ³ it depends of the different WADS³
³ ³þNot too many weapons/health ³
³ ³þNever put good weapons and ³
³ ³ health bonuses at the same ³
³ ³ place: this place would become ³
³ ³ impregnable. ³
³ ³þDo not put too many weapons at ³
³ ³ the deathmatch starts. The ³
³ ³ players should not stay at one ³
³ ³ place; they should moove to ³
³ ³ another place to find better ³
³ ³ weapons, so that they have more ³
³ ³ chances to run into each other. ³
Brightness ³þThe average light level ³þIt should be strongly lit in ³
³ should be of app.150. If³ nearly all parts of the level, ³
³ your sectors are too ³ so that the players are easily ³
³ strongly lit, you loose ³ visible to each other. ³
³ a lot of suspense. ³ ³
Height ³þTry to change the ³þNo big differences in floor ³
³ ceiling and floor height³ height because it slows the ³
³ as often as possible. It³ movements. ³
³ looks a lot better. ³ ³
Conclusion ³þLevel's perspective ³þPlayer's perspective ³
³ (The player has to adapt³ (The structure of the level has ³
³ itself to the structure ³ to be adapted for the players.) ³
³ of the level.) ³ ³
þ As I said before, I had to shorten the level. The unshortened version
of DOOMSDAY.WAD will be released very soon. It won't be a deathmatch
level, but a classical one player/cooperative level full of ugly and
starving monsters.
þ This is my first level for DooM2, as well as my first deathmatch level.
þ If you do not know how to play this level, just type this command line
after you put DOOMSDAY.WAD in your DooM2 directory:
(Don't ask me for network or modem play...)