Text File
º* DooM2 * CAESAR level by Helioth * º
Title : Caesar
Filename : CAESAR.WAD
Author : Helioth
Email Address : francois.coppex@buemplizer.ch
Fidonet Address : Francois Coppex@2:301/131
Misc. Author Info : Author of The Spring Ballad (TNTSPRNG.ZIP)
Author of The Imp Fiesta (TNTFSTA.ZIP)
Author of Cleaning Of All Kind (COAK.ZIP)
Author of DoomsDay'95 (DOOMSDAY.ZIP)
Author of DoomsDay'95 One Player (DMDAYONE.ZIP)
Author of The Twin Brothers (TWINS.ZIP)
Release Date : 21 July 1995
Description : þ This time you will play the role of a brave
gladiator fated to die under the fangs of
dozens of ugly and starving monsters. You will
be lucky if Caesar, who is looking forward
very much for your death, applauses. However
he doesn't, don't worry because hundreds of
spectators will enjoy to see your blood
spilling on the ground of the amphitheatre.
However you become jealous of the spectator's
comfortable place, do not try to kill them
instead of the monsters. They did pay for
their place, you didn't. That's the reason why
you better should ignore them and, even
better, protect them. As a result of your good
will you will no be deducted health points
from your capital of life.
On the other hand, if you are revealed as an
exceptional gladiator by surviving to this
awful menagerie, the privilege of meeting
Caesar is yours. But if you are aggressive
with Caesar and try to kill him by hitting
him or trying to shoot him down you will be
sent Caesar's personal guard. Remember that
you can't kill Caesar, it's the task of
þ Remember to be in the best possible state
before entering the amphitheatre because you
will have a hard time there.
þ No BFG9000
Additional Credits to : þ ID Software, Brendon J Wyber, Rapha‰l Quinet,
Colin Reed, Stephen Renton.
º* Play Information * º
Level # : 1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Credits go to Stephen Renton)
New Music : Yes (Level1+Interlude)
Demos Replaced : No
º* Construction * º
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Approximately 35 hours
Wad. size : 462'137 bytes
(161k map+26k music+164k graphics+111k sounds)
Editor(s) used : DEU2 5.21, BSP 1.2x, NWT 1.2
Known Bugs : None
º* Copyright / Permissions * º
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
You may not use this level as a base to build additional levels unless a
special agreement exists with its author.
You may not use this file in any commercial purpose unless a special
agreement exists with its author.
If you need one of the copyright points to be modified or removed, let it
know to me by E-Mail and I'll consider your request.
º* Where to get this WAD * º
FTP sites: n/a
BBS numbers: Lycaeum: +41 41 76 29 89 (ZyXEL)
+41 41 76 32 89 (USR)
Dark Severity: +41 37 46 24 77
º* Comments * º
þ The new graphics (excepted the scrolling wall at the beginning) were
taken from Stephen Renton's Zeus PWAD.
þ If you do not know how to play this level, just type the following
command line after you put CAESAR.WAD in your DooM2 directory:
DooM2 -file CAESAR.WAD