Text File
Advanced engine needed : Any source port that allows multiple patches
(pretty much all, including prBoom).
Primary purpose : Single mostly.
Title : Dream (v1.30.7)
Filename : Dream.wad
Release date : 01/03/03 (Happy new year)
Author : Kara C. Rader
Email Address : Kara@xfury.net
Other Files By Author : Grind.wad, Grind2.wad, Grind2X.wad, UAC.wad,
Gatika.wad, Ill.wad
Misc. Author Info : I make Doom levels!
Description : Second in my mini-episode. This level is the
follow-up to Grind2 and is meant to be played
after it (hence the health boxes at the start).
This level is a little bigger than Grind2, but
not by much. There are definately more monsters
this time around, and I believe the skill is a
little harder. Skills 1 and 2 are very easy and
are meant primarily for sight-seeing. Neat
effects this time include: Pillar in main room
is used for navigation, the lift in the cave,
the drain in the nukage-floor room, and of
course the demon-worship temple area...
Additional Credits to : myk (muchly), DOOM Anomaly, DooMer 4ever, Torn,
Rich, and ravage
* What is included *
New levels : Yes.
Sounds : One, but yes.
Music : No.
Graphics : Nu-uh.
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes, a small one. It's imbedded, but if your port
doesn't allow for them, a separate DeHacked patch
is included.
Demos : Not this time.
Other : Nope.
Other files required : Doom II and some sort of port.
* Play Information *
Game : Doom II
Map # : MAP02
Single Player : Designed for this.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Some extra baddies randomly thrown in.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Sure, but not ideal.
Other game styles : No.
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
* Construction *
Base : The last beta. =) Originally from scratch.
Build Time : I forget.
Editor(s) used : Registered DeePsea; old version.
Known Bugs : None.
May Not Run With... : Doom2.exe, but then again it may.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Please don't copy this level and do anything to it, yadda yadda. If you
really want it that bad, e-mail me and we'll discuss it. The sound file
isn't mine (although I changed the echo and volume) so feel free to use it.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: Nope.
FTP sites: Nah.