Text File
WAD File: longmtch.wad
Author : Shane Boyer (sboyer@esu.edu) with help from K. Desrochers, T. Furst
Date : 4-21-94
Author Note: This level has been refined over the course of a couple weeks
through heavy playtesting. Hopefully an optimum blend of
enemies, ammo, health and "tricks" as well as physical design
has been acheived. Please email any comments to above address.
A Deathmatch (although single player is supported on one level
of play) level. Mid-sized so that players run into each other
often enough, but all areas have multiple connections to other
areas so there are no traps. Three big rooms, nicknamed "The
Prison", "The Skull Room", and "The Arena". These rooms have various
windows, teleports, and interconnecting passageways between them.
Plenty of health, ammo and armor to go around. Designed as a long
lasting deathmatch level. The three weapons in the multiplayer
game are the shotgun, rocket launcher, and one chainsaw. In the single
player game, a chain gun is added.
Three secrets, including the "Happy Room".
longmtch.wad replaces level 1 of episode 2.
How to play:
Single Player:
Single player is designed to be moderately hard, but shouldn't
be impossible for doom "veterans". The only skill level that
has single player item placements is level 4 (Ultra Violence).
To play single player:
doom -file longmtch.wad -episode 2 -skill 4
Multiplayer increases the amount of health and ammo, and decreases
the number of enemies. For those of you who like to play Deathmatch
with enemies, this level should allow -respawn at the same time.
There are just enough enemies to annoy you! Multiplayer is setup
for skill levels 1, 2 and 3. So depending on how much damage you
want to take, choose accordingly; the item placement is the same
between the three levels. To play two-player with respawn on
skill 1, type:
ipxsetup -file longmtch.wad -episode 2 -skill 1 -respawn
Known Problems: There are two "problems":
- first, there is a point when going from one sector into
a door sector where the screen momentarily will turn
black with speckles. I've run the latest BSP node
generator on the WAD file, with no change. I've seen
this effect in other WADs but don't know what to do
to fix it. Doesn't affect gameplay.
- Second, a wall in the "Happy Room" (believe me, you'll
know what room I'm talking about when you see it) is
transparent in the sense you can shoot rockets or
plasma through it. I set the linedefs to impassible,
but without success. Don't know why this happens.
Still really doesn't affect gameplay all that much.
And PLEASE email me any comments you have, as I would be receptive to either
modifying this level or building a new one if people like this one.
Shane (sboyer@esu.edu)