About This File
(for story, see COM-FUL2.TXT)
Type complex2 to begin. The DeHackEd patch changes the level names under the map.
Enigmatic Complex is a large wad (it jams up DEU 5.21 and BSP 1.2) that largely takes place inside a large complex. It is the first level of a new doom. It takes me around twenty minutes to complete with 100% on everything, so it will probably take you a little longer. The dificulty goes from easy to hard. In UV you should be able to make it through the fighting without too much trouble, but there are some hairy moments that will probably kill you when you first run across them. The "marble" area has 155 monsters. There was originally going to be a lot more to this level (like bathrooms, a mess hall, and secruity cameras), but I ran out of memory. I tried to make this as bug-free as possible without sacrificing parts of the level. I also tried to align every texture (manually). I didn't do one area with pentagon wall textures, because the damn things are to hard to align. Anyway, if you find any bugs, e-mail me. Also, feedback! Please give plenty of feedback! I'd enjoy seeing some demos of this level, too.
Type complex2 to begin. The DeHackEd patch changes the level names under the map.
Enigmatic Complex is a large wad (it jams up DEU 5.21 and BSP 1.2) that largely takes place inside a large complex. It is the first level of a new doom. It takes me around twenty minutes to complete with 100% on everything, so it will probably take you a little longer. The dificulty goes from easy to hard. In UV you should be able to make it through the fighting without too much trouble, but there are some hairy moments that will probably kill you when you first run across them. The "marble" area has 155 monsters. There was originally going to be a lot more to this level (like bathrooms, a mess hall, and secruity cameras), but I ran out of memory. I tried to make this as bug-free as possible without sacrificing parts of the level. I also tried to align every texture (manually). I didn't do one area with pentagon wall textures, because the damn things are to hard to align. Anyway, if you find any bugs, e-mail me. Also, feedback! Please give plenty of feedback! I'd enjoy seeing some demos of this level, too.