Text File
Uploaded by : Graham Burgess <GKBurgess@compuserve.com>
Advanced engine needed : None required
Primary purpose : Single player; Contains new graphics, music and sounds
Episode and Level # : Doom2 MAP05
There follows the text of the author's original text-file, which is included
in aboo5th.zip as READ_DIS.DOC.
by Bob Reganess
GO AHEAD!! Type in all the codes ya know,I don't care.
Ya can get out your editor and look where everything is too, it wouln,t make
that much difference. Ya just will not be able to memorize it all and thats
Are you tired of killin an squishin and shumuckin everything then try
this game in the capture mode. There are monster traps ( 5 or 6 of em) that
will teleport them to jail. But ya gota get em to cross that line.
Want Hints? Course ya do! There in the game. Not all of em but
getting all the keys and some new suprises can be found out by visiting the
blabbermouth. But a... watch where ya step.
There are some places where ya should stay out da road just like ya
mommy told ya once. And of course there are places ya shouldn't go at all
But I aint gonna tell ya where day are cause you gonin there anyway!!
Yes yes YES. It may be a little slow but then it's BIG. Besides I
have only been makeing these games for 2 or 3 months which says alot for
the programs I'm using........
DEEP..................WOW this is easy to use!
DEUTEX................Couldn't add anything without it.
WINDOO................Windows shell for DEUTEX
ORCHESTRATOR PLUS.....How I made the music
COOLEDIT..............Used it for all the new sounds.
NEOPAINT..............Great paint program!!!
All this stuff is either shareware or freeware and I recomend it
highly. I registered it all cause ya know.... I wanted all the
features and stuff.
Anyway the trick is to get to know DOOMSTONE real well before
chalenging some dude to a deathmatch. I woulda spent more time on it but
I got this other idea for a game in doom with ALL new sprites. I would
love your feedback though so E-mail me at:
Bob Reganess
The new music, art, and sounds were created by myself and if you use them
I would only ask that you make mention of that fact. Other wise if your
not makeing money with it....... just help yourself to it.