Text File
Title : Greasy Z-Sloth
Today's Date : 1:41 AM 7/8/2003
Filename(s) : gzsloth.wad
Author : Derrick A. Allen
Email Address : dallen1983@hotmail.com
Misc. Author Info : Old school doomer whos been around the block and back. Ive been working in the true 3d world of gaming With Allen Software and after a few years of stress, I have removed myself from the team and decided that doom is where I want to be.
Description : My 1st level to break in the zdoom engine. Tried to use the same theme as the circle of death, although it came out as a rectangle, and uses an industrial\ hell boarderline theme. Put in some In-Game cutscenes to help this pointless story out . Just a practice test to get some scripting skills if you will.
Story : A prequel to Doom2: After being banished into the realms of hell you battle your way out and find a base that has the slipgate between outterworld and earth but it is infilitrated by the demons that were responsible for your stay in hell, so on your way back to Earth, You have to deal with the usual confrontation. The demons try to prevent you from interfering with there plans on earth and try to kill you.
Additional Credits to : The zdoom knowledge base... Mark Klem, Dunkin Donuts Coffee and those sleepless nights trying to perfect the scripts.
And Rich Allen for delayed playtesting, and all the rest of BloodSplatter inc.
There are some bugs in the script, like shooting romero is only supposed to take some health but it kills you so dont fuck with him until he gets you to the slipgate.
Yes hes telling the truth about the switch trap
* Play Information *
Source Port : Zdoom version 2.0.47 (see bottom of text file on where to find it if you do not own it)
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : DM Spots are placed but I dont reccomend it for serious DM
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Skills 1-2 A walk in the park
Skill 3 Less health, Less ammo
Skills 4-5 More Monsters,Less health, less ammo
I tried my darndest to make Ultra Violence a Challenge without being impossible. Its the reccomended skill for play.
New Sounds : Yes (sangunieous,hexen,heretic,thab,quake)
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : 3 songs by Mark Anthony Klem, for UAC Deathcamp 2, but i have YET to make it
Demos Replaced : no, if u need to know where all the secret things are, just e-mail me
* Construction *
Build Time : About 3 or 4 days
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Doomcad6.1, Wadauthor 1.30,Wintex 4.3
Known Bugs : Scripting isnt perfect. Some textures bleed around Poly Objects, and some minor stuff including some texture aligning probs around windows,but ill let you find them on your own...yeh this is far too much for my experience level.. guess its just the bugs u get when you are editing in a new editor for the 1st time..oh well
* Copyright / Permissions *
Greasy Z-Sloth © 2003 BloodSplatter inc.
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
levels As long as you give me and BloodSplatter inc Credit.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get Zdoom .47 *
* Where to get this WAD *
E-MAIL: dallen1983@hotmail.com
FTP sites:ftp.3darchives.com
BBS numbers:none
Other: Some web-pages may have it linked.