Text File
Title : Infestation
Filename : infest.wad
Author : Micah Harwell (i387)
Email : micahh@industrialtechware.com
Homepage : http://www.industrialtechware.com/
Release Date : August 19, 2003
Game : ZDoom-based port with Ultimate Doom (Doom1) IWAD
Map : E1M7
Single Play : Yes
Coop Play : Not tested
Deathmatch : Not tested
Difficulty : Yes
Sounds : Yes
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes, including the ITD status bar
Textures : Yes, two
Demos : No.
Known Bugs : None
Description : Infestation is a massive remake of E1M7 from my ITD episode.
Base : Based on E1M7 from my 1997 release ITD.
Software : ZETH 4.17 by Randy Heit
DeuTex 4.4.0 by André Majorel
ZenNode 1.1.0 by Marc Rousseau
MIDI Orchestrator Plus by Voyetra
(for the music)
MIDI2MUS 2.04 by Digital Expressions Corp.
* MISC *
I released a 9-level episode for the original Ultimate Doom back in 1997 called ITD (Industrial Techware Doom). By today's standards, it is seriously lacking in the detail department. But earlier last month I decided to go through, one-by-one and remake each map with modern tools for modern Doom ports. Infestation is the first map I decided to work on, which was originally E1M7 in ITD.
It will probably be several months before anything else is released, but I wanted to throw out this "teaser".
If you are interested, the original ITD is still available for download from our website at http://www.industrialtechware.com/
Any PWAD (but not IWAD) author may use the work of any of the Industrial
Techware Doom levels with one condition: The author must give credit where
it is entitled. Just use common sense.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include all files. You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
as long as you include this file intact. Please update the FTP site and
BBS number lists appropriately.
* Where to get this PWAD collection *
FTP sites : ftp://industrialtechware.com/files/infest.zip
World Wide Web : http://industrialtechware.com/files/infest.zip
Micah Harwell
Industrial Techware