Text File
Archive Maintainer : NA
Update to : NA
Advanced engine needed : None, but far better looking with a port.
Primary purpose : Single player
Title : Blind Alley 8., "Retribution"
Filename : BndAly8.wad, BA8pr830.lmp, in the BndAly8.zip
Release date : October 26, 2003
Author : Gene Bird
Email Address : genebird@hotmail.com
Other Files By Author : Blind Alley series (8, B, E, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W.)
: Doomworld 2003 "Community Chest Project" maps 7, 19, 28 and 32. (Cchest.wad)
Misc. Author Info : Doom Nut.
Description : A decent, challenging map.
Additional Credits to : The id folks, The Deepsea Team.
Special thanks to Rich Sham for valuable input,
suggestions, extensive playtesting and the encoragement to "Be Brave".
* What is included *
New levels : One
Sounds : No
Music : No, I like hrmus.wad with it. Use what YOU like.
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : PRBoom UV max demo included in the zipfile.
Other : No
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM 2
Map # : Map 1
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts and a few extra items there but never tested
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts and a few items there but never tested
Other game styles : NA
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : Around 90 hours maybe. Can't remember.
Editor(s) used : Deepsea 11.1
Known Bugs : Release a buggy wad??? I don't think so!
May Not Run With... : ?
Extensive playtesting testing done with vanilla Doom2, dosdoom, Zdoom, PRBoom, Jdoom, Fusion, MBF, and my port of choice, Legacy.
13th map in the Blind Alley series for Doom 2.
My original design as Doom 2 map 8, now running on level 1.
I am pretty sure this place only exists in my mind. Artistic license used freely.
A decent, smallish sized map with decent attention to detail, but not so much that it requires a port. This is one of my early maps that I have reworked only slightly for release, and as such is not as nice as my current work. It is however a kick in the pants to play. It plays a little harder than the scant 135 UV monsters would suggest. To those familiar with the Blind Alley series you will find the quality to be somewhat similar to other early maps in the series such as O, P and Q.
The opening was inspired by my favorite room in Eternal Doom level 24- "Rainbow bridge" by Chris Couleur. Damn he's a good/great mapper. I sure learned alot trying to re-create a similar area. As with a lot of my maps you are thrown into the fire at the start and must find your own way out of the hell I have put you in.
The inspiration for the amphi-theater in the final area came from a vacation I took to Arizona to see Wupatki National Park and the ancient ruins of the ball court there. It is the only currently known place in North America where there is a ball court circa 1100 AD. It was made by either the Inca or Mayan peoples of So. America and is the farthest place north that one exists. Now, these guys took there "ball" games very seriously. They used a ball made of stone and the players had to put it thru a hoop, sort of like sideways basketball. The whole losing team was killed by either beheading or heart extraction. So when you enter that area you are disturbing their "ball game". Sort of interesting isn't it? You sure would not want to be on the losing team in that game. I will bet, since the stakes were so high, they played with incredible intensity.
You will never have for hunt for ammo in here. That is the least of your problems.
There is enough health and ammo that you can push as hard as you want for time.
While none of the secrets are required to finish the map they do contain health and
extra ammo. Fire up the ssg and get busy.
Health in this map is more generous than in many of my other maps, so be brave.
Demos or feedback greatly appreciated.
I have been mapping for about six years. This is the 13th of my levels that I feel is OK
for release. It is a very fun map.
Detail is decent, but the concentration here is on gameplay.
Some good old fashioned run and gun in here. Stay awake however, or you could get very dead.
I consider this map easy to medium in hardness in UV during normal un-hurried play.
Skill levels could come in handy until you learn the map.
The harder you push the harder the map pushes back.
PRBoom UV max demo of this map, included in the zip file.
Recorded with PrBoom 2.2.3 (-complevel 1). Also plays back with MBF.
To play the demo use the following:
c:\doom2\prboom.exe -file BndAly8.wad -playdemo BA8pr830
c:\doom2\prboom.exe -file BndAly8.wad -timedemo BA8pr830
This assumes your doom2 folder is on your c: drive,
and that you have the excellent, free, prboom port.
PrBoom download link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom
I recommend you watch the demo of the level before you play it.
Unless you just love to die in the traps I have set for you.
There are, or soon will be, other excellent demos of this map at the following site:
Doomworld Speed Demo Archives.
What are you waiting for? Get busy! The carnage is waiting.
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Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permission possible on a case by case basis, if you contact me.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
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* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
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