Text File
Advanced engine needed : ZDoom/ZDoomGL - Not because of any tricky stuff, but
because these maps are too big & complex for vanilla
Primary purpose : SP (Deathmatch starts included, but not tested)
NOTE : These are the first three levels (and the secret level)
from a proposed megawad. These are the first three
levels from that project, of which the first nine are
completed (well, OK, level four is still under
construction). I am releasing them in groups because
the later ones are big and complex. Levels 1-3 all go
together, as you will see, and of course level 9 has
to be included because it's accessable from level 3.
Title : Doom-X
Filename : doomx1-3.wad
Recommended port : ZDoomGL (may look to bright using ZDoom)
Best time to play : Anytime: in a dark room at night using ZDoomGL, during
the day using ZDoom.
Settings : My Trinitron monitor is set with both brightness and
contrast at 50%, and the in-game slider for brightness
is also set to 50%. I've replaced the original sky with
a starry sky, so it should look black with little white
fuzzy dots in GL mode - or with white squares and
rectangles if you must play it using some other port.
Release date : 12/29/03
Author : Jonathan Stewart (ob3kenob)
Email Address : ob3kenob@aol.com
Other Files By Author : To be released...
Misc. Author Info : Married graphic designer with wife & three cats, living
in Philadelphia PA and liking it.
New Grapics : Sky1 replaced with a starry sky.
New Sounds : No
Additional Credits to : The original crew at id Software, who gave us (well, OK,
sold us) a wonderful new art form, and to Doomworld for
being there. To my wife Virginia, who not only puts
up with my efforts, but aids and abets them - and who
lets me win at Deathmatch occasionally. ;-P And to Jason
Hargreaves for creating "Nukemine" from which I drew
inspiration and some actual sectors.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM
Map Numbers : E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M9
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, but not tested
Other game styles : Maybe, but not designed for them
Difficulty Settings : Yes - the usual
* Construction *
Base : Levels 1, 3 & 9: new from scratch; level 2: based on
level 1 of Nukemine by Jason Hargreaves Blanket permission
granted in his info file - by the time I sent him an email
he'd left the University of Alberta and the email was
returned undeliverable and unread, so if he's reading this,
I hope he reviews my work and is happy with the outcome.
Build Time : Years, off and on.
Editor(s) used : Wad Author; Doom Builder for aligning textures.
Known Bugs : None. If you find any, please tell me.
May Not Run With... : Vanilla Doom. Actually the maps will run, but expect
HOM effects, especially in level 3.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Copyright (C) 2003 by Ob3kenob
Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.
This file may be distributed in any form, so long as it is accompanied by this text.
Comments welcome!